
Singularity Review

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I had a lot of fun with this game.Many people compared it with Bioshock.While the color pallet and some of the graphics look similar in style, for me the game felt completely different in atmosphere.It's very difficult nowadays to find a first person shooter that's totally original because they are so well established.So Singularity does seem to borrow elements from past shooters, but it does have it's own feel and style as well.

The ambient sounds were creepy and had me constantly looking over my shoulder.Monsters were interesting and the phasing back and forth between the present and the past added some tense moments.There's nothing like walking into a room full of soldiers frozen in the 50's then finding them phasing into the present and opening fire on you to test your skill.

I also like the fact that there was minimal cussing in this game.I'm not a big fan of games that over use foul language.For me a lot of cursing adds nothing to a game.

I do not like the current trend of the auto save versus being able to save when you want in PC games, so that was a big negative for me.It seems that everyone is going that route now though.Another negative for me was that the game was too short, another recent trend.Just when I was really getting into it, I was done.I guess it does say something positive for a game when you are disappointed that it's over.It does have some interesting multiplayer to extend your play time though.Those two cons kept this from being a 5 star game for me.

Overall I had a great time with this game and was glad I bought it.

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Product Description:
Singularity is a first-person shooter developed by the legendary Raven Software and utilizing the power and flexibility of the Unreal 3 game engine. Set in an alternate present of 2010, players take on the role of a US Air Force pilot who while investigatingan extreme radiation signature, stumbles upon a top secret Cold War era Soviet program, run amok which not only causes monstrous mutations, but also threatens to alter nature of time itself.

Speed up time to reduce enemies to dust.
Or gain from turning back the clock.
Classic FPS gameplay.
A revisionist Cold War storyline.
Viewlarger. Story
In the dark, Cold War winter of 1949-50 Stalin, the brutal leader of theSoviet Union, had two super weapons: long range missiles and the atomicbomb. But even if his teams of forced labor managed to build a missile powerfulenough to carry an atomic payload, Stalin still faced encirclement by theUnited States and the Strategic Air Command. He knew that he needed anotheradvantage over the United States, one that would ensure Soviet securityand superiority. Then came the chance discovery on the remote island ofKatorga-12 off the wild Kamchatka peninsula, of a previously unknown material,Element 99 (E99). E99 became the new source of Stalin's hope: a new energysource of unparalleled power. Unfortunately, the new element also yieldeda new kind of contamination risk. But these were acceptable risks to Stalin- anything for the advancement of the Soviet people. Even so, on September21, 1950, driven to complete the project, and in violation of the safetyprotocols, a Russian scientist, Viktor Barisov, personally triggered a devicepowered by E99 that caused a catastrophic event that affected the entireisland. What happened next is unclear. However, there are reports that Stalin'sfinal dying order was a handwritten scrawl to quarantine Katorga-12. Andso the knowledge of the island remained buried...until 2010, when intelligencereports in the west confirm activity on a remote atoll in the Russian Federation'sshadow. The world has no memory of Katorga-12. No concept of what may beon the island off the southeast coast of Russia. It is deemed that the worldcan't afford another Chernobyl - or worse. America's answer is to scramblea stealth flyby of the area. They need recon - and they need it now.

Gameplay and Weapons
Action in Singularity is a mix of combat mission gameplay and puzzle-solving.Combat is against both modern and 50s era Russian forces, as well enemiesmutated through exposure to E99. In this players have their choice ofconventional weapons including: pistols, shotguns, machine guns, sniperrifles, rocket launchers, etc., as well as as few Sci-fi weapons veryspecific to the game. These include the TMD (Time Manipulation Device)and the E99 pistol. The TMD is a gauntlet, which players acquire earlyin the game that can be integrated with conventional weapons. Its mainfunction though relates it its ability to alter time within a small specificarea. The major examples of this are:

    Reversion - The ability to alter encounters by rewinding the history of an item or entity to the time of your choosing. This can be used to repair broken items, render enemies harmlessly embryonic, etc.
    Aging - The ability to alter encounters by fast-forwarding thehistory of objects or entities, rendering the former rusted and worn andthe latter decrepit with age or simply dust.
    Stasis - The ability to freeze time and thus dangerous situations in order to gain an advantage.
    Impulse - The ability to propel objects frozen in time in a targeteddirection.
    Chronolite - Functionality that allows the player to look back to a time associated with a place, person or object.
Players can also utilize the TMD in conjunction with the E99 pistol, a gun thatshoots bullets infused with Element 99, to hit targets unreachable due todistance and otherwise indestructible cover. In addition, to the TMD's combatuses, it is also indispensable as a tool for solving the spatial-orientedand other types of puzzles that players will face on the island of Katorga-12.

Singularity contains multiplayer gameplay options, that just as in its single player campaign, integrate conventional combat tactics and weapons with the time manipulation elements.

Key Features

    An engrossing storyline blending Cold War history and science fiction elements.
    An arsenal of first-person weapons, including conventional firearms and upgradeable, time altering gadgets.
    Mission progressing puzzle-solving gameplay.
    Advanced graphics built on the Unreal 3 game engine.
    Multiplayer gameplay options.

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Xbox DVD Movie Playback Kit Review

Xbox DVD Movie Playback Kit
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1) Get this Movie Playback Kit
2) Put the remote away in a drawer (you still need the receiver)
3) Enter the code for an RCA DVD Player into your universal remote
4) Use your universal remote to control your XBox without any custom programming!

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Product Description:
XBOX DVD Movie Playback Kit Module DVD Video

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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Review

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
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My boyfriend got my a game boy color for the holidays last year.I'm a big vidiot so this gift wasn't that nuts -- but I still wondered "why the heck do I need a game boy color? I already have enough video gamesystems!" Well, Zelda answered that question and gave me a reason tofall in love with my GBC.
Zelda's simply faboo. I loved all the olderZelda games because they're so challenging and it's hard to get sick ofthem.The new Ocarina of Time (for N64) is *FANTASTIC* with graphics thatrival Play Station games -- and I'm almost done beating it, but lately I'vebeen focusing my time on the small screen (GB color, that is).
Link'sAwakening doesn't quite compare to Ocarina, but for a small screen editionthe graphics are quite impressive.The dungeons and other areas are vastand colorful; lots of "bad guys" to battle and even secret"warp tunnels" and other hidden gems to find. There's so much todo that I know I'll have to invest much more time in order to finish thegame.
There's a bunch of other fun stuff to do while playing too.Youcan play games, take photos, harass chickens, catch fish, dig around theprairie, and trade items (like bows, dog food, and bannanas!)
What Idon't like is the item selection; this is mostly due to the lack of extrabuttons on the GB.Basically you can only use two weapons at once.Solet's say you have your sword and your feather set to your A & Bbuttons.This allows you to kill bad guys and jump over holes.But let'ssay you must kill a bad guy then quickly jump over something, and then youneed to have your magic ready -- which is not equipped! To equip your magicyou have to hit "start," select your magic (and replace one ofyour other items in order to have room for the magic), then quickly executeyour move.If you have to make another move directly after that, thenyou're kinda S.O.L. It's tough to switch back and forth betweenequipment/weapons. I've found that it is also quite hard to jump overthings when you don't have your feather equipped (that's supposed to becomedy - get it?).
Overall, though, this game will undoubtedly provide mewith hours of entertainment and it has certainly given me a reason to playmy Game Boy Color.If you get stuck on any of the levels, you can alwaysvisit ninetendo's website and look for their strategy help (that's how Iknew where to find the Slime Key! -- yes, I'm a cheater, but why else doesNinetendo make those guides printable?).
I hope this information has beenhelpful to you.Happy Gaming!

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Product Description:
This colorized version of the original Game Boy hit, released in 1998, is a side quest that deviates as much from the traditional Zelda storyline as the N64's Majora's Mask. The story is completely new and original, but the game system is largely the same as in the Super NES hit, A Link to the Past. You explore a vast island named Koholint, opening up access to more new and new areas as you collect special items and solve puzzles. On your way, you gather Rupees and heart containers, use your sword to defeat enemies, and push plenty of blocks around. The DX (=Deluxe) version features one new dungeon and GB Printer support

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Mech Assault Review

Mech Assault
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MechAssault boasts great graphics, detailed Mechs and engaging single player ... but just wait until you take your mechs LIVE!
The game basically has you controlling a variety of mechanical robots with armor and weapons on a planetary assault mission. You land and start fighting off infantry, tanks, other mechs, and more.
There are a bunch of single player missions that you go through on your quest to rid the planet of the enemy. The graphics are quite nice, with rolling fields, rocky mountains, bases full of bridges and vehicles. You can blow up boats, take out bridges, demolish large buildings. You can stomp on infantry and shoot down helicopters. It's very destructive, but all in the name of saving the planet.
The mech takes a little getting used to, because of the combinations of flying, twisting torso, movement, and weapon selections you have. But really, for any gamer that's played games for more than a year, this shouldn't be a problem. The controls are rather intuitive and we were up and running with the mech in no time flat. Your ability to pretty much go anywhere and demolish anything means that you can take a number of different approaches to any problem. Add in the fact that you can often choose from a variety of mechs to take on the mission, each with its own configuration, and you can really get involved.
Still, the missions are single player and your multiplayer gameplay on your own system is two player only. The single player missions can probably be won in a weekend if you go for the easy settings. But all of these things are merely TRAINING for the true on line experience, with XBox Live!!
No AI is ever going to match the true cunning of a human (at least not any time soon) and when you play on XBox Live, you get to play against entire teams of mechs! You can play Capture the Flag, deathmatch, team deathmatch, and MANY other types of games. It is amazingly fun! And you really do need that single player or two-player local mode to practice in, so you can hold your own against the Mech players from around the world.
Highly, highly recommended if you have XBox Live. It's a blast! If you don't have XBox live yet, it's a great game to play for a while, if you keep increasing the difficulty level to keep you challenged.

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Product Description:
MechAssault puts you in charge of a 40-foot walking tank -- you'll pilot it through a futuristic war zone and fight to survive!Download free Mechs and new maps through your Xbox Live connection Fully compatible with Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound

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Glory of Heracles Review

Glory of Heracles
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The Nintendo DS continues its impressive run of portable RPG/Strategy games with this gem!Glory of Heracles takes a lot of good traditional elements and combines it with a clever magic (mini-game) system and adds a bit of Greek Mythology in for good measure.

The game, like many DS RPGs out there these days, begins with a pretty standard (some what contrived) storyline.You're a hero, you wake up with your memory all but erased, and over time you work to recover your memory (and do some other big things like save the world) along the way.Sounds familiar?The story here won't blow you away but it will keep you interested enough with a few twists and turns, and again if you're a Greek myth fan, you'll be happy either way.

As for the mechanics, the battle system is what you would expect.You can choose attack commands, magic spells, special skills, etc.One plus is that unlike some other RPGs, here you can augment your magic power by selecting an optional mini game after you cast your spell.The mini game gives you the opportunity to jack up your magic attack power ... but with the risk of failing as well.It's a nice little compliment to a traditional formula.I also like how you can do 'overkills' by attacking a downed foe and using the residual ether to replace a little MP that you need.It's a nice additional bit of strategy which is always welcome for a long game like this.

Battles tend to go pretty fast and the encounters within the dungeons and in the overworld are all random-based.The happen pretty frequently, but the fun battle system keeps the monotony down.Having the ability to collect items and forge your own weapons also adds to the fun.

Otherwise, the sounds and graphics are all reasonably done.The stylus plays a big role in this game.The music is decent and overall it's a solid product for any RPG fan out there.I would have given it 5 stars if not for a few places that were rough around the edges (grx could be a little cleaner, story could be a bit less trite, etc.) but overall if you're a fan of the genre, this game should suit you fine.

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Product Description:
Embark on an Epic Quest to Ancient Greece
Not everything plays out exactly as the legends say. Great cities still wage war, mythological monsters haunt the land and the gods of Olympus fight while heroes and men suffer difficult lives, but in the midst of this chaos, a young boy washes up on the shores of Crete, devoid of memories and divinely blessed with immortality. Who granted him this gift, and to what end? Will his quest to regain his memories shed light and hope on the gods or ignite a new war that destroys all?

Take Command of the Greek Squad
Glory of Heracles features many familiar references to Ancient Greek characters and locations with a rich storyline inspired by Greek Mythology without explicitly recreating events. The story begins when a boy washes up on the island of Crete. He doesn't remember how he got there or even who he is. In this unique adventure, he soon meets companions with equally murky backgrounds and finds out he's immortal...just like his new friends. Glory of Heracles also features a deep, role-playing battle system and magic that can be powered up through the use of touch screen challenges. Players can visit well-known locations like Sparta, Athens and even the legendary Mount Olympus.


    Inspired by Greek mythology, Glory of Heracles delivers a unique take on the characters, events and monsters of legend. Travel from Crete to Athens and all the way to the halls of Mount Olympus, facing off against Minotaurs, Harpies and the unstoppable Hydra as you try to earn your place among the immortals of ancient Greece.
    Guide your party of heroes through turn-based battles, unleashing the powers and magical abilities of the gods against the monsters of Greek mythology. Touch screen challenges give add to the action, giving you the chance to power up your magical attacks.
    In-game tutorials and intuitive stylus-based controls make Glory of Heracles easy to learn for beginning RPG players but difficult to master. In addition, during battle, the game will offer advice on battle strategies that both RPG newcomers and advanced players will find helpful. Heracles also offers tremendous depth for experienced RPG fans, featuring alternate control schemes, programmable party member AI sets and a multitude of unique character skills, abilities and magic.

Engaging Storyline
View larger.

Great DS Graphics!
View larger.

Familar RPG gameplay
View larger.

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Ford Racing 3 Review

Ford Racing 3
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Great fun! The graphics and sound are surprisingly good. I enjoyed the game play and whenever my friends played this game, they said the same things. We all liked playing and some of it even made us all laugh. If you like car/truck racing, then you should enjoy this one.

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Product Description:
In less than a century Ford and its vehicles have revolutionized all aspects of the world in which we live. Experience the thrill of racing these awesome machines ranging from the Model T to the 2005 Mustang GT to the F150 Pickup truck and test your skill on challenging courses including raceway rally and off-road competitions.Format: NINTENDO DS Genre:SPORTS/GAMES/AUTO RACING Rating:E UPC:802068100438 Manufacturer No:10043

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Ecco The Dolphin: Defender of the Future Review

Ecco The Dolphin: Defender of the Future
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Way better than the Dreamcast version!
The things they changed,
1: Some of the glitches (swim through walls) are fixed.
2: The graphics have been sharpend.
3: The 'Sonar' map has been changed completly. (A 2D above or side view)
4: The speed of the game has been kicked up a little. (at first you think your air meter is passing too fast, it's just keeping up with the speed)
5: A gallery mode lets you view art work of a level after you completed it (vitalits and all) sound, credits, etc.
6: More hints and clues have been put into focus.
7: The dolphins have been touched up a bit, some have more blue than grey etc. (to tell them apart easier)
8: To get to the secret 2D bonus levelsin "Up & Down" you have to beat the game, afterwards "Up & Down" will be shimmering.
9: The "Scoccer" mini-game, after you play it, it appears below the credits option in the stage select.
Ok if I keep going about this I won't have room for the rest of my review.
The up's :)
1: Wonderful graphics!
2: Great story-line!
3: You get to play as the worlds smartest dolphin!
4: Sharks and other things keep you on your toes. (unless your as familiar to the game as I am, you know where they hang out)
5: A nice heapload of levels!
6: Plenty of challenge for the pro's and fun for the not-so-pro's
The down's :(
1: When you collect vitalits it should grow your air-meter as well as your health.
2: Too many dark underground depressing levels.
3: After completing a level what is there to do?
4: Needs a multi-player mode, and characters to choose from. (such as clan member, black dolphin, crimson member, etc.)
Over all it's a great game! I really hope a 2nd one follows this time with a 2-player adventure!

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Product Description:
Ecco the Dolphin, originally an innovative Dreamcast title, has made it to PlayStation2, with newly optimized graphics and design features that correct the main shortcomings of the Dreamcast version--primarily the inadequateplayer guidance. Ecco is a dolphin in a hyperrealistic 3-D underwater world. Players will control Ecco as he is sent back to the past and tries to reinstate the paradise of his future. How? Evil forces have conspired to destroy the planet, and if Ecco can recover the stolen and scattered dolphin power, he can restore the harmony between dolphins and humans.
But first, you're going to have to learn to swim, eat, and think like a dolphin. Use different songs to communicate with other sea creatures and be prepared to defend yourself against predatory sharks. Later, go on to solve puzzles and work with others to accomplish your goals. The game features beautifully detailed seascapes, with creatures and plants that look and move realistically.

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PSP Car Adapter Kit Review

PSP Car Adapter Kit
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Had this for a multi-day car trip.The charger works well, cabling is long enough to reach from the front to the back of a mini-van, and kept the PSP running all day/night.

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Product Description:
MODEL- 98528VENDOR- Sony PlayStation

Charge your PSP battery and play without draining it while you are
on the road.
Can also be used to play with power from the car battery, without
draining your PSP.

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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Review

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
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I'd like to implore you to NOT compare this game to the FFTactics for the Playstation.For just a moment, weigh this game against itself.Evaluate it for what it IS, and not what it isn't.
People may be upset because this is not like the original.But for that reason I am very thankful.Not to say that the original Tactics wasn't wonderful; it remains one of my favorite FF titles to date.What I mean to say is that it's different.I know that the story is not as mature as the first one.I know that the music is not quite as bombastic as that of the original (From what I've heard so far, anyway).But Final Fantasy Tactics Advance presents its own story, its own set of characters and its own battle system, which in my opinion is just as good as that of the first Tactics.
The Job system has been redesigned, and takes into account what race a character is.While it's true that both a Human and a Moogle can obtain the Thief job, there are differences in stats and abilities due to their racial diversity.There are five different races, and each one has advantages and weaknesses, along with several Jobs that are unique to that particular race.This new concept is amazing and innovative, and results in very different, customized characters.
Abilities are obtained through the use of specific items, much like the ability system of FFIX.Many items boast abilities for multiple classes, and each ability takes a certain amount of AP (Points received at the end of battles or side quests) to fully learn.Once a character completely masters an ability, they no longer need to have the item equipped to use that skill.Needless to say, this interesting system will lead to hours upon hours of gameplay.
Concerning the story, I do not understand everyone's complaints.While it's a fact that the original FFTactics had a much more serious storyline, that does not mean that this one is not just as entertaining or creative, because that is exactly the type of plot Tactics Advance offers.That said, I must admit that so far (I'm about six hours into the game) there is not as much CONTENT storywise, but what's there certainly shines.Three young people who have grown tired of the cruel, boring life of the norm awaken mysterious writings within an ancient volume of unknown origin.The book morphs their world into the realm of Final Fantasy, one that they have all longed for.Differences emerge when the three attempt to decide whether to go home or stay in the adventure.
From whatever angle you look at it, this game is undeniably exceptional.Consider the fact that this is a GBA game, and you MUST commend SquareEnix for this masterpiece.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the store to get a ton of batteries.

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Product Description:
Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance brings you into a world of magic and mystery!

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Downstream Panic! Review

Downstream Panic
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I just picked up this title over the weekend, and I must say I'm finding it very enjoyable -- much more so than Patapan.The controls are intuitive, and the level designs and challenges clever.Basically your goal is to guide the flow of water from the top of the screen so a school of fish can get back to the sea at the bottom of the screen.To control the flow, you activate a number of items, like a plant that diverts water, a bomb that opens holes, a harpoon to kill enemy fish, and more.The tricky part is activating the items in the right places and at the right times.Choose the wrong places or install items too late, and you watch haplessly as your dead fish count rises and rises.Time to hit "reset" and try again!The graphics and soundtrack are sunny and cute, reminding me of LocoRoco.IMO this is a perfect game for PSP -- easy to pick up and put down.Highly recommended!

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Product Description:
After a gigantic cyclone pulls up all of the fish into Earth's atmosphere, it is up to the player to guide fish as they descend back into the Ocean. In order to save the fish from land, predators and other obstacles, the player must use a variety of innovative tools.

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Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice Review

Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice
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+A lot of good gameplay
+An overall charming story
+Lots of things to do off the beaten path
+A Huge emphasis on strategy
+Well done anime inspired art


-Still a few problems with the camera
-By now the graphics need an improvement to better bring the story to life.The anime inspired art is really nice, but how about an anime scene or two to really convey a character's feelings or actions?Beyond that, the battlefield and character sprites look exactly like they did in the first two games.A graphical update would've been really nice.

In 2003, Disgaea came out and breathe some new life into the Tactical Strategy RPG.It quickly became a cult classic.Disgaea 2 came around and stayed true to the first by changing very little.In that sense, Disgaea 3 can be summed up as being a continuation of the things that worked in the first two games.If you enjoyed the first two Disgaea games, then you'll like Disgaea 3.

Disgaea 3 focuses on Mao as he tries to overthrow is Overlord of a father for destroying his game console.It's a joke of a story but it's meant to be such.In all honesty it isn't much of a bad story at all once it gets going.The story is told through still shots of the characters facing one another as the dialog pops up on screen.There's voice acting, although some of it is quite forgettable.But there's also a good sense of humor, mainly because the story doens't take itself so seriously.Disgaea 3 knows what it is and doesn't try to be anything more.It makes the overall experience of it fun and satisfying.But as the story progresses it actually becomes about so much more than a mere broken Slaystation Portable.

The story is charming overall, but the presentation of it isn't so much.Certainly character portraits carrying the story out isn't so bad, but by now Disgaea should be willing to take its production values to new levels with the Playstation 3.An anime cutscene or something to help bring some of the more dramatic moments to life would've been really nice.

Battling in Disgaea 3 is no different than it was in the previous two games.You move characters around the battlefield executing attacks.Disgaea has always had a huge emphasis on strategy mainly because of the Geo Panels.Depending on the placement of Geo Panels and the placement of Geo Blocks, characters can be granted certain bonuses ranging from an attack boost to even some that aren't going to help you at all such a hindrance to your defense.Disgaea 3 also brings back the bonus gauge where after a battle you can get certain bonuses depending on how much damage you've done or how many panels you've destroyed.Even by the third installment, the Geo Panels system manages to be unique.The Geo Panels also help to make a difference in your strategy.You'll find your level doesn't mean much if the enemy you're facing has a huge boost by the Geo Panel he's standing on.

Disgaea 3 also keeps the level cap incredibly high.You can go all the way up to level 9999.It might seem like the game puts more emphasis on level and brute force, but chances are you'll find there's still a lot of strategy involved in the game, and that's mainly because there's so much outside of the story to do, and the Geo Panels provide a neat puzzle element to the game.

The biggest problem, however, is that it doesn't look any different from the first two games.You're basically getting a Playstation 2 game on a Playstation 3 console.Tactical Strategy RPGs have never been the best looking games, but Disgaea 3, despite being on the Playstation 3, looks almost exactly the same as the first two games.There isn't a real noticeable improvement in the game's artistic or graphical design.The anime inspired character portraits are very nice and detailed, but the overall look of the game isn't much.It also still suffers from the camera angles.While you can rotate the camera you'll find that there's not much else you can do with it.Pillars and other environmental objects will still be in the way.

Disgaea 3 is a good game.Excellent for Disgaea fans.It may play the same way, but that isn't a bad thing at all.What may not settle well with some gamers, however, is that it's a Playstation 3 game that would've been better suited for the Playstation 2.

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Product Description:
The Famed Disgaea series goes next gen on PS3! With high-definition graphics, including beautiful high-res 2D sprite art and stunning spell effects, one of the most highly-acclaimed and beloved strategy RPG series is making the jump to the next generation of gaming with Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice for PLAYSTATION 3. Re-enter the world of Disgaea and experience all of the humor, zany characters, thrilling action, and unmatched excitement in this all-new over 100 hour adventure!

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The Sims 2: Castaway Review

The Sims 2: Castaway
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This is the first Sims that I have bought for the Play Station 2. Our PC's can't hold anymore Sim expansions without over loading our computers. We are avid Sims players in our house and have loved the game since it first came out in the first format. We love Sims 2. The game play for the Play Station Platform is Fabulous. You can't go and create a new game for someone once you start though - you need separate memory cards. If someone comes a long and wants to play and create a new Sim, your old game will be erased - so make sure you get a card or two to go with it.

Game play is very cool. It's fun to explore the different areas of the island.You can build up your talents and inventory to be able to make rafts, shelters, and find new foods to cook over your fire. There are lots of things to unlock and lots of treasures to find. I love finding the message in a bottle.

If you create a crew, eventually you start to find your crew mates and that's cool too.

We got this for an early Christmas present to be able to play through the holidays and don't regret it! Super Fun - be prepared to loose a few hours with this enchanting game.

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Product Description:
The Sims 2: Castaway PS2

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Avatar: The Burning Earth Review

Avatar: The Burning Earth
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If you're into the Avatar series, you'll get a kick out of this game. If you aren't, I'd find another game. There's a combat arena where you can fight each other with the different characters. This part is fun and seems to be solid as a rock, whereas I have some problems with the story portion of the game.

The story portion of the game takes you through book 2 of the series. It's fun, but at times it's frustrating. There was one point in the game where we could not figure out where we were supposed to go and another that a simple part took far too many tries to make it through. We've had our characters get stuck in weird places a couple times and we've had Aang become invisible several times. I can't speak to other platforms, but it seems the PS2 version did not get enough playtesting.

That said, we have enjoyed the game when the bugs weren't annoying us and would recommend it to any Avatar fan, so long as they can get a good price on it or rent it.

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Product Description:
Based on the popular Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series players will follow the second season storyline as Aang teams up with friends to defend the greatest Earth Kingdom city against a deadly Fire Nation threat. Format: PS2 Genre:ACTION/ADVENTURE Rating:RP UPC:752919461204 Manufacturer No:46120

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The Movies: Superstar Edition Review

The Movies: Superstar Edition
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I first encountered The Movies at the Apple Developer conference a few years ago. I just sat down at the computer to look at it for a minute and next thing I knew it was several hours later and I had missed most of the sessions I had wanted to go to. It was then I decided that I probably needed to buy the game.

My favorite types of games are sim and tycoon games and this one has elements from bothcategories. Even after hours of playing I didn't even know about the movie making aspect of the game. When I did discover it, I played with it a bit and found it rather fun and pretty easy to use, but still not what interested me in the game. The tycoon aspect isn't very difficult, but it isn't super easy and you can't slack off if you want to rise to the top of the movie making business. The sim aspect is also not too difficult, but adds some fun variability to the tycoon side. If your actors like their co-stars, they will do a better job. You also have take good care of your actors by giving them their own trailers and gardens. The happier they are, the better they act.

All in all, I feel like this game had just the right amount of difficulty and I like that it eventually ends. I like gaming, but don't have tons of time for it, so I like games I can finish in one day. And I really like games that I finish and then want to play again! I have beat this game at least three times and still want to go back and play more!

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NEW BASS FISHING ROD POLE with Spin Cast Reel for Nintendo WII Review

NEW BASS FISHING ROD POLE with Spin Cast Reel for Nintendo WII
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In the web the control is showing near to the game I boughtthis thinking in receive both but I only received the control adapter. When I read again the description that is Ok but the photo is a little tricky.

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Product Description:
Cast and reel for an authentic feel with this fishing pole for your Wii control. This thin and lightweight rod adds a touch of realism to your gaming experience.

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SOCOM II U.S. Navy Seals Review

SOCOM II U.S. Navy Seals
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So i put socom I away about 4 months ago- got tired of the cheating, the lagging, the booting.Even still i ran out to buy Socom II- and it was worth the wait.
I jumped on immediatly to online play- never liked the one player game.
Let me just tell you something- the graphics on this game blow away the first- they are insane!There are more new guns too.Which rock.The RPG's for the terrorists make the game that much better.Now your ducking from RPG blasts!
The levels- they are even more insane!Im not to sure about all the names- but here is a breakdown of some of the levels:
First off, all the old favorites are back- with some minor to major improvments.
Blood Lake
Pretty much the same except the graphics are way better and their are turrets now.
Desert Glory
Is back with better graphics and now you can blow up the wall where the terroists are.
is the same- except now all the tunnels connect- cool!
This level is messed up now! Its in total darkness!Holy cow this one is fun!
Night Stalker
is now in the day- which has mixed reviews
Rat's Nest
is pretty much the same- but darker.
Death Trap- pretty much the same
OK- now to the new levels.Let me just tell you- these new levels just rock! Some of the names i dont remember or might screw up but here we go:
Right off the bat, requiem shows you how awesome Socom II is.The graphics on this level are so tight its incredible.And the level is HUGE.This one is a lot of peoples favorite level right now.Imagine Blizzard in a big town.Did i mention it was in the snow?
Sand Storm
Wow.Is all i have to say about this level.Great fun.Seals try to penetrate the Terroists base- must breach the wall, and blow up their building- but watch out for the air strikes best part of the game!
Shadow Falls
This one shows the imagination of the creators.A huge swamp level in complete darkness.And i mean darkness.The level is so messed up its cool to play- but very hard.
Fox Hunt
Probably my favorite new level.Its an escort level- but takes place in a huge field with grass up to your stomach. One side has a river bed, the other a mountain.You try leading hostages through this without getting em killed!The best is lying in the high grass and picking people off with your M4A1SD.
I beleive thats what it calls- another favorite.Takes place in a town, its a demolition level. Grab the bomb and head for the terroists. The level is huge with many hiding places and houses/stores/restaurants to sneak around in- plus roofs and awnings.
There's another town one- Vigalence- but it has to big the biggest map.Has a weird french/dutch feel to it- but the map is great.
Fish Hook
Fun little level- not that big of a deal.
And theres more and more- but i havent gotten to em all yet.
This game rocks- if you like the first one- get this one- you wont be disappointed...

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The sequel is here with new challenges, enhanced graphics, and eviler terrorists!

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Dragon Ball: Raging Blast Review

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
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I wanted a DBZ game for my PS3 and after finding out it had a bit more sagas than Burst Limit, I got this.

The camera angles are beyond terrible. Good luck to anyone focusing on your opponent when you end up near a wall.

Buttons/commands won't work most of the time and that really sucks when you need them the most.

There is only ONE set of combos per character so 9 times out of 10 you'll end up using Super attacks just to finish the battle.

No screams when they power up. wtf it just looks hella weird.

Battles/playing with characters in the story mode idgaf about. (I really could have cared less about Yamcha/Tien/Chiaotzu fighting a dead Ginyu Force)

Not worth replaying the story mode over and over to get stars. (Goku's alternate outfits are not THAT important)

WAIT until this game is 19.99$ or less, or wait for the sequal which is hopefully 100x better

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Product Description:
The HIT FRANCHISE Comes to Life on Next Gen! Experience the fast and powerful fighting style of the popular Dragon Ball Z series in a brand new game for the next gen systems! Dragon Ball: Raging Blast features over 70 playable characters, including transformations, and allows you to relive epic battles from the series or experience alternate moments not included in the original anime and manga. With stunning 3D graphics, powerful and customizable Super Attacks, online gameplay and large-scale, destructible environments that allow you to fully experience the devastation of your attacks, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast is set to deliver more explosive fighting action than ever seen before!

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