Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I had a lot of fun with this game.Many people compared it with Bioshock.While the color pallet and some of the graphics look similar in style, for me the game felt completely different in atmosphere.It's very difficult nowadays to find a first person shooter that's totally original because they are so well established.So Singularity does seem to borrow elements from past shooters, but it does have it's own feel and style as well.
The ambient sounds were creepy and had me constantly looking over my shoulder.Monsters were interesting and the phasing back and forth between the present and the past added some tense moments.There's nothing like walking into a room full of soldiers frozen in the 50's then finding them phasing into the present and opening fire on you to test your skill.
I also like the fact that there was minimal cussing in this game.I'm not a big fan of games that over use foul language.For me a lot of cursing adds nothing to a game.
I do not like the current trend of the auto save versus being able to save when you want in PC games, so that was a big negative for me.It seems that everyone is going that route now though.Another negative for me was that the game was too short, another recent trend.Just when I was really getting into it, I was done.I guess it does say something positive for a game when you are disappointed that it's over.It does have some interesting multiplayer to extend your play time though.Those two cons kept this from being a 5 star game for me.
Overall I had a great time with this game and was glad I bought it.
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Product Description:
Singularity is a first-person shooter developed by the legendary Raven Software and utilizing the power and flexibility of the Unreal 3 game engine. Set in an alternate present of 2010, players take on the role of a US Air Force pilot who while investigatingan extreme radiation signature, stumbles upon a top secret Cold War era Soviet program, run amok which not only causes monstrous mutations, but also threatens to alter nature of time itself.
Speed up time to reduce enemies to dust.
Or gain from turning back the clock.
Classic FPS gameplay.
A revisionist Cold War storyline.
Viewlarger. Story
In the dark, Cold War winter of 1949-50 Stalin, the brutal leader of theSoviet Union, had two super weapons: long range missiles and the atomicbomb. But even if his teams of forced labor managed to build a missile powerfulenough to carry an atomic payload, Stalin still faced encirclement by theUnited States and the Strategic Air Command. He knew that he needed anotheradvantage over the United States, one that would ensure Soviet securityand superiority. Then came the chance discovery on the remote island ofKatorga-12 off the wild Kamchatka peninsula, of a previously unknown material,Element 99 (E99). E99 became the new source of Stalin's hope: a new energysource of unparalleled power. Unfortunately, the new element also yieldeda new kind of contamination risk. But these were acceptable risks to Stalin- anything for the advancement of the Soviet people. Even so, on September21, 1950, driven to complete the project, and in violation of the safetyprotocols, a Russian scientist, Viktor Barisov, personally triggered a devicepowered by E99 that caused a catastrophic event that affected the entireisland. What happened next is unclear. However, there are reports that Stalin'sfinal dying order was a handwritten scrawl to quarantine Katorga-12. Andso the knowledge of the island remained buried...until 2010, when intelligencereports in the west confirm activity on a remote atoll in the Russian Federation'sshadow. The world has no memory of Katorga-12. No concept of what may beon the island off the southeast coast of Russia. It is deemed that the worldcan't afford another Chernobyl - or worse. America's answer is to scramblea stealth flyby of the area. They need recon - and they need it now. Gameplay and Weapons
Action in Singularity is a mix of combat mission gameplay and puzzle-solving.Combat is against both modern and 50s era Russian forces, as well enemiesmutated through exposure to E99. In this players have their choice ofconventional weapons including: pistols, shotguns, machine guns, sniperrifles, rocket launchers, etc., as well as as few Sci-fi weapons veryspecific to the game. These include the TMD (Time Manipulation Device)and the E99 pistol. The TMD is a gauntlet, which players acquire earlyin the game that can be integrated with conventional weapons. Its mainfunction though relates it its ability to alter time within a small specificarea. The major examples of this are:
- Reversion - The ability to alter encounters by rewinding the history of an item or entity to the time of your choosing. This can be used to repair broken items, render enemies harmlessly embryonic, etc.
Aging - The ability to alter encounters by fast-forwarding thehistory of objects or entities, rendering the former rusted and worn andthe latter decrepit with age or simply dust.
Stasis - The ability to freeze time and thus dangerous situations in order to gain an advantage.
Impulse - The ability to propel objects frozen in time in a targeteddirection.
Chronolite - Functionality that allows the player to look back to a time associated with a place, person or object.
Singularity contains multiplayer gameplay options, that just as in its single player campaign, integrate conventional combat tactics and weapons with the time manipulation elements. Key Features
An engrossing storyline blending Cold War history and science fiction elements.
An arsenal of first-person weapons, including conventional firearms and upgradeable, time altering gadgets.
Mission progressing puzzle-solving gameplay.
Advanced graphics built on the Unreal 3 game engine.
Multiplayer gameplay options.
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