
Emergency Room: Real Life Rescues Review

Emergency Room: Real Life Rescues
Average Reviews:

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I thought this game was really neat and very different from all the other medical games for the DS. The cases are lot more realistic, aka no "star of healing" or whatever that is in Trauma Center. This is a much slower paced game and it easier to get the hang of which is nice for me since I don't really have the time to master a really complicated game on my way to work in the morning! I would totally recommend this to someone who likes a less stressful sim game.

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Product Description:
Real Life Rescues takes you out of the operating room and into the driver's seat as a paramedic for Harbor City hospital. Experience real-life emergency medical cases such as cardiac arrests, broken bones and life-threatening traumas as you respond to situations requiring you to revive, treat and keep seriously ill patients alive.

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