
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Review

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
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My boyfriend got my a game boy color for the holidays last year.I'm a big vidiot so this gift wasn't that nuts -- but I still wondered "why the heck do I need a game boy color? I already have enough video gamesystems!" Well, Zelda answered that question and gave me a reason tofall in love with my GBC.
Zelda's simply faboo. I loved all the olderZelda games because they're so challenging and it's hard to get sick ofthem.The new Ocarina of Time (for N64) is *FANTASTIC* with graphics thatrival Play Station games -- and I'm almost done beating it, but lately I'vebeen focusing my time on the small screen (GB color, that is).
Link'sAwakening doesn't quite compare to Ocarina, but for a small screen editionthe graphics are quite impressive.The dungeons and other areas are vastand colorful; lots of "bad guys" to battle and even secret"warp tunnels" and other hidden gems to find. There's so much todo that I know I'll have to invest much more time in order to finish thegame.
There's a bunch of other fun stuff to do while playing too.Youcan play games, take photos, harass chickens, catch fish, dig around theprairie, and trade items (like bows, dog food, and bannanas!)
What Idon't like is the item selection; this is mostly due to the lack of extrabuttons on the GB.Basically you can only use two weapons at once.Solet's say you have your sword and your feather set to your A & Bbuttons.This allows you to kill bad guys and jump over holes.But let'ssay you must kill a bad guy then quickly jump over something, and then youneed to have your magic ready -- which is not equipped! To equip your magicyou have to hit "start," select your magic (and replace one ofyour other items in order to have room for the magic), then quickly executeyour move.If you have to make another move directly after that, thenyou're kinda S.O.L. It's tough to switch back and forth betweenequipment/weapons. I've found that it is also quite hard to jump overthings when you don't have your feather equipped (that's supposed to becomedy - get it?).
Overall, though, this game will undoubtedly provide mewith hours of entertainment and it has certainly given me a reason to playmy Game Boy Color.If you get stuck on any of the levels, you can alwaysvisit ninetendo's website and look for their strategy help (that's how Iknew where to find the Slime Key! -- yes, I'm a cheater, but why else doesNinetendo make those guides printable?).
I hope this information has beenhelpful to you.Happy Gaming!

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Product Description:
This colorized version of the original Game Boy hit, released in 1998, is a side quest that deviates as much from the traditional Zelda storyline as the N64's Majora's Mask. The story is completely new and original, but the game system is largely the same as in the Super NES hit, A Link to the Past. You explore a vast island named Koholint, opening up access to more new and new areas as you collect special items and solve puzzles. On your way, you gather Rupees and heart containers, use your sword to defeat enemies, and push plenty of blocks around. The DX (=Deluxe) version features one new dungeon and GB Printer support

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