
X3 Terran Conflict Gold - Windows Review

X3 Terran Conflict Gold - Windows
Average Reviews:

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To be blunt, this game shows what can be accomplished in the video game industry. This feels like a labor of love. It isn't a quick sit down and shoot up some bad guys for a few minutes type of game. This is more for people who want to sit down and totally immerse themselves in a massive universe.

This one is a rarity. This one you don't play; you experience.

Across the top of the box it reads "Trade Fight Build Think". It delivers on those promises in spades. Highest praise and I would not hesitate to recommend this title to anyone interested in the genre. What put the icing on the cake was the fact that I was not familiar with the franchise and bought it out of desperation to find something, anything that would actually install on my PC. To discover such a gem made me forget about the problems I was having with a couple other titles.

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Product Description:
X3 Terran Conflict Gold is a collection of two games, X3 Terran Conflict and X3 Reunion, plus the soundtrack for X3 Terran Conflict

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