
Monster Rancher 3 Review

Monster Rancher 3
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Monster Rancher 3 is a very solid game. The third in the series it has improved graphics, slightly more difficult fighting, and much less repetitive game play. This game is a winner for anyone who enjoys a more character driven strategy type game - although at first glance it appears to be a kids game, I think that it is challenging enough to interest people of all ages.
The graphics although a bit Disney are very good. The monsters are more detailed and the ability to personalize them is fun (especially when the accessory used can change their character traits). The ability to move to any of 5 different training grounds breaks up some of the monotony of seeing the same background all the time.
This game is more strategy then fighting, but the battles are one of the game's highlights. The number of monsters that can be generated from a CD or DVD seem much bigger and they appear the have much more detailed personalities, skills, and quirks.
The game play is much less repetitive then previous games in the series. It is obvious that the game designers went to a great deal of trouble to come up with a variety of subplots, side characters, new areas to explore. The number of people who come to talk and fight with you is much bigger and having rivals in battle ads a touch of excitement to the game. The new areas are also fun to explore.
All in all this game is a winner for anyone who liked the other Monster Rancher Games. Although the inability to combine monsters will be a disappointment to some, I personally like the fact that upon the death of my current monster my next monster can inherit abilities and skills. The ability to skip through some of the repetitive training and feeding scenes is also a huge plus.
This is a good game to buy because it has a high replay level. When your monster dies, you have to start over with a new one with its own quirks and abilities. Plus the temptation to find and raise some of the stranger monsters is irresistible. If you haven't enjoyed or tried this type of game before, I would rent it first though, as this is a type of game that people either love or hate.

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Product Description:
This anticipated sequel to the popular Monster Rancher 2 takes place long ago, before the official declaration of monster battles as a competitive sport. There lived at the time a group called the Tochikans. No one but the leader of the Tochikans had the power to generate monsters from Saucer Stones. As more people began migrating to the land, monsters were given to them to help with labor and ease the everyday hardships of their lives. Over time, monster battles began taking place at various festivals and town get-togethers. This quickly became a popular activity, and eventually large-scale battles were held. People started to hire full-time "breeders" in order to remain competitive in the fast-paced world of monster battles.
Monster Rancher 3 features cel-shading technology to give it a real cartoon look and feel. Players can create a stable full of monsters using ordinary CDs, DVDs, or other video games. The game generates monsters unique to each set of data, and a player can then raise, train, breed, and enter them into battle with other monsters. The first game that utilizes Sony's Picture Paradise technology, Monster Rancher 3 lets players take pictures with their Sony digital cameras and transfer them to monsters in the game.

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