
Deer Hunter Review

Deer Hunter
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I had been waiting with baited breath for this, and I cannot reccomend it highly enough. It has the best outdoor graphics I have seen on a PS2 and the levels are HUGE! no little valleys and then loading here... Just one load and you can explore a huge level hunting for deer, moose, even mountain lions and bears. There are little critters like squirrels and raccoons for target practice. The atention to detail is incredible. Leaves fall from the trees in the fall and the animals kick up dust and splash as they run through water ! The vehicles are very easy to control, actually being useful as opposed to a liability. The weapons are great and replicate the real world weapons very well. The fact that the designers included a split screen two player mode is a first for hunting games and is a worthwhile addition. I have a great time playing with my friends, as we hunt down animals in torney mode. The online is astounding. The other hunters appear exactly as you set them up and instead of the weapons just appearing their hands when you change them, the hunter actually reaches back into his pack and gets out the new weapon. Stalking through the woods for a prize buck and then spotting someone 100yds away sighting in on YOUR buck is a real rush as you try and bag it first. The AI on the animals is great and they are hard to kill! The graphics on the animals are great and the trophy room is presented as a museum style with all of your animals presented in brilliant dioramas ! All in all a very polished game and the only one you should get for PS2

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Product Description:
Deer Hunter is an addictive hunting experience that brings the ultimate hunt to your living room!

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