
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Expansion: Alien Crossfire Review

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Expansion: Alien Crossfire
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Seven years after planetfall, as the Gaians, Collective, University and other factions struggle to make their way on Planet, two alien spacecraft fight in the space above...and ultimately crash land, to make their own wayon Planet.
Alien Crossfire puts the Alpha Centauri game in the center ofthis conflict, as the factions we all know and love are caught between theCaretakers and Preservers, two alien factions diametrically opposed to eachother and any who would ally with the other. New Human factions to playsuch as the Cyborgs and Pirates just add to the fun.New unit types, andplanetary features such as the Manifold Nexus make the Alpha Centauriexperience even richer than the already excellent basic game.

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Product Description:
The official Expansion Pack features 7 all-new playable factions, new technologies and secret projects, and expanded plot that continues the story of Mankind's struggles on an alien world.New custom faction editor.Seven new technologies.Four new Secret Projects.Five new weapons. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri fans can choose to play classic Alpha Centauri (with the original seven human factions), the new Alien Crossfire story (with seven all-new factions, or customize the game by combining their favorite factions from the entire suite of fourteen!

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