
PlayStation 3 HDMI Cable & USB Cable Review

PlayStation 3 HDMI Cable & USB Cable
Average Reviews:

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Its difficult to wax poetic about a cable - if it works well you should never even notice that its there.

And I want to be careful here not to wade into a discussion of how much a cable is worth, especially when talking about digital signals that are either there, or not.

I pondered the question of $3 or $300 cables for a long while, and chose to hedge my bets by buying this one for the following reasons:

a) Its pricing places it right in the middle of the pack.
b) you can see just by looking at it why it might merit this price.
c) It would be madness for SCEA to sell a product as graphically intense as the PS3 and hobble it with poor quality cables. (These cables are made by SCEA too.)

So what do I get? I get extremely high cable construction quality, and a set of extra long cables. The 10-foot USB cable length is a boon since it lets me position myself comfortably away from the monitor.

The cable jacket is a very flexible cloth like material that makes it look like this cable will last forever, no matter how tightly I squeeze it through the openings in my entertainment center. The ends fit well into my HDMI connectors and are supposed to be gold plated.

All I care about now, is that the images are wonderfully clear ... and I can safely go back to ignoring cables.

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Product Description:
HDMI Cable & USB 2.0 Cable Pack PS3

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