
Alundra Review

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Rpg's throughout the ages of cmputer and video gaming have come and gone.Many have silently slipped through almost unoticed however this is one of those that manages to remain in the memories of the people involved in the world of gaming oncomputers of all kinds.
When you say the word RPG games such as Zelda, Final fantasy and Breath of fire fly through the air.However this is one game that easily stands up to the challenge that these rpg classics set.
The game takes place in around a village named Inoa, where you play an elf-like character who shares the same name as the game's title.Taking the game mechanics you would find in an RPG like the Zelda series and coupling it with a plot as dramatic as a Final Fantasy Psygnosis and dream matrix made an all time classic here.The story is that Alundra was on board a ship named "the Clark" and it sunk during a storm, washing up on Inoa beach he is nursed back to health and is drawn into a saga that has been plaguing the village inhabitants for some time.
Within this village numerous people are falling ill and dying as a result of dreams being turned into nightmares by a demon named Melzas.The player finds themselves summoned by a guardian named "Lars" (no connection to the Metallica drummer!) to stop this demon.Sounds cliched?In a way I suppose you are correct however the dreams idea is turned into a beauty of its own when you find that Alundra has the power to enter dreams and change their outcome.Thus you find yourself treated to numerous psychadelic images before winding in a usually dark rpg type dungeon where the dreams prisoner must be saved.
Of course this would be of no use to the gamer if there was no gameplay and naturally for an RPG there is tons buried beneath the surface.At first you feel that is a basic and simple rpg, yet later on it is that fact that makes this game such a well crafted piece of genius.The difficulty in this game comes commonly from the difficulty of the puzzles.Expect to have to decipher lock codes, organise a makeshift stairway from nothing amongst the obligatory demon slaying.
The game also boasts some fabulous variation in locale, whether it is the aforementioned dark dungeons, volcanoes and of course large castles expect to find lots to do.What makes this game even better is that it is between the plains of linear and non-linear.While like all other rpgs you are guided by information passed on by the usually passive characters in the village, you find that there are tons of secret locations to uncover within the mammoth quest that is available.If you like the idea of unlocking portals, uncovering life extending gems or new gear expect plenty of variety within the quest ahead.
Of course the game is not perfect.The main flaw with this game is that commonly you find puzzles being basic ones where you have to jump onto switches or simply time the throwing of a barrel and jump into a room.This may sound unchallenging yet it does prove difficult quite often when you find the time limits being incredibly tight.This is plus point in that you have to work at it, yet it is a negative point as you can sometimes fall from these jumps and wind up right at the very start of the puzzle or worse the dungeon.
This is one game that only the patient should try, if you have a low flashpoint then you may wish to give this a miss unless you can stop the urge to snap the disc!Persevere though and you find in this game a true classic that was slated for being a mere clone, however this is a foolish analogy to follow and is a joy to play from start to finish.Highly recommended.

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