
Forgotten Realms Archives: Silver Edition Review

Forgotten Realms Archives: Silver Edition
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When I was younger, first getting into RPGs, my mom got me Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen and a set of AD&D games with Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, and Secret of the Silver Blades (3 of the 13 games in this set).Unfortunately I was too young to understand the complexities of all of the games, and never ended up getting very far, except in Might and Magic.A few years later I rented Eye of the Beholder (it and its two sequals are in this set) for SNES.I instantly became immersed in the enourmous environment provided, the Sewers of the city of Waterdeep provided great entertainment, and frustration, since there were no people to sell me potions, rations, or weapons.Once again I didn't make it very far, and always had to return the game before I got to the last battle.
Then, about a year ago I was in a certain store when I spoted a shelf of $10, two for one games.I looked through them while waiting for my mom to come from shopping and spotted this set in a smaller box, no instructions, only the decoder for entering some of the games included.But I instantly grabbed it, eagerly anticipating my mom's return so that I could purchase it.I bought it, brought it home, set it up on my older PC, and got right to Eye of the Beholder.
It is now one year later and I have gone through the entire Eye of the Beholder Series, completed Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure bonds, and am now working on Secret of the Silver blades.These are great games if you have an older computer (these may be the best games you can buy AND run on it), or even if you don't.
I have to admit, I wasn't happy with Blood and Magic and Hillsfar, but those are only two out of thirteen games (actually, Menzobaranzan doesn't seem to work with my computer, so that brings the total games I won't play to three out of thirteen).These games represent a wonderful range of styles.Eye of the Beholder is mostly like Baldur's gate, except first person (like the old Shadowgate games, or, I suppose, Myst) and with no shops, everything you use is found.Secret of the Silver blades is first person in the same way, untill you get into a battle.Then it goes to an overhead view with true turnbased combat.Blood and Magic is mostly like a strategy game.
If you like modern AD&D games, then this is probably a nice set of games for you.However, if you are new to the series, you should try some of the newer games, such as Baulder's gate and Icewind Dale.

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