
Freedom Fighters Review

Freedom Fighters
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There are few games that I'd use the term "great" while describing them. Freedom Fighters is such a game. Though released to critical acclaim in the fall of 2003, the game became a "sleeper" with higher profile titles being released around the same time. That critical acclaim was well deserved, because this is one game that has managed to surpass every one of my expectations.
Freedom Fighters takes place in what is described as an "alternate reality". In this timeline, the Soviet Union was the first to develop the Atom Bomb and bring and end to World War II. The game is prefaced by a brief rundown of events leading up to the present day. When the game begins, you find the game's hero, a New York plumber by the name of Chris Stone, is going about his daily route. When he and his brother stop to fix a clogged sink of a prominent anti-Soviet activist, he finds himself smack in the middle of the Red Army invasion. He's then thrust into the role of guerilla fighter.
The gameplay is what makes Freedom Fighters such an outstanding game. The game is a third person shooter. As you progress in the game and accomplish certain objectives, you gain "Charisma Points" which elevates your status eventually to where you can command fellow soldiers. You can recruit and command up to twelve freedom fighters with a very basic command interface, using the controller buttons, that works surprisingly well. Your troops will take cover and fight independantly when they need to, so you won't have to worry about them getting picked off one by one. The enemy A.I. is also very sophisticated. The Red Army will fight just as fiercely as your troops and will often try to pull and "end around", trying to sneak up on you and take you by surprise. The only thing that I didn't like about the controls was the precise aiming. It tended to be a bit of a pain to hold down the L3 button. The gameplay is structured so that whatever you accomplish in one mission ultimately affects another. For instance, if you blow up a helipad there will be no attack helicopters in another level. There is also an off-line multiplayer mode, which players engage in split screen action and co-op mode.
The graphics on this game are excellent, while other games may boast more photo realistic character models, the emphasis here placed on making the player feel like he was actually fighting on the streets of New York. Streets, street lights, snow, and even elevated train platforms have a very "New York" feel to them. One of the more intersting graphical features is what's called "rag doll" physics. When a parked car explodes it sends whoever is standing next to it flying into the air. Which makes for some pretty cool visuals. The sounds are also exceptional. Soldiers speak Russian, explosions rock the dual shock controller, tanks rumble through the streets. This game sounds as great as it looks and plays.
The story is moved along through the use of fake newscasts from the Soviet Armed Forces Network. This is a technique that was used in another game, Splinter Cell, earlier in 2003. But here the newscasts do a much better job at moving the story along. The obvious difference is that in Splinter Cell, the hero was operation covertly, but the newscasts did little to shed any light on the story and often felt like they were not interwoven into the fabric of the game. Here the newsbroadcasts feel like they are part of the game and help to immerse you further into the game.
Freedom Fighters is without a doubt one of the best games of 2003. If you're not playing it, you're really missing out on one of those really special games that makes you glad you own a Playstation 2. I HIGHLY recomend this game!

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Product Description:
Freedom: The Battle for Liberty Island is set in a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War. Now a fierce conflict is beginning to unfold in the streets of America. Red Army troops are pouring across the borders of Mexico and Canada shortly after a nuclear missile is unleashed on Washington D.C. Chaos sets in when breaking news informs Americans that their President has been killed and the Russians have invaded the country.
Players take on the role of a blue-collar worker who evolves into a charismatic and fearless freedom fighter obsessed with finding and freeing his brother, who has been taken hostage along with other New Yorkers by the Soviets. You must recruit and lead an army of urban guerillas to take on the Soviet threat in the streets of New York City. Freedom: The Battle for Liberty Island provides two layers of gameplay: A strategic turn-based mode that centers on base operations in an underground sewer system and an action mode that unfolds in the streets where fierce battles are won or lost and resources are captured.

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