
Xbox Controller S Review

Xbox Controller S
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...at least, it's popular at my store. I say "funky" because the dark blue color doesn't seem to go well with the black and green XBox...but my customers don't seem to mind. It outsells the green S and almost outsells the black S at my store. Those who bought an XBox when it first came out remember the monstrously oversized controller that came with it. Fans complained, and Microsoft created the Controller S ("S" for "small") to alleviate the cramped hands and aggravation the original controller caused. (The original still has its fans, though; I get a handful of requests each month for it). The control layout may take some getting used to, as many games require the use of all of the buttons, and reaching the small black and white buttons near the bottom of the controller can be risky in heavy combat (such as switching grenade types while battling an Elite in Halo). Otherwise, this controller is great. It's just the right size for most people, although if you're buying a controller for someone with small hands (like a child, for example) then I suggest the Mad Catz MicroCon, perfectly suited for smaller hands. The Controller S is also available in green and black.

I hope this review was helpful

--Christian Wheeler

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Xbox Controller S gives you a better and more flexible gaming experience!

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