
Vigilante 8 Review

Vigilante 8
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When we got our Playstation one of the first games we got was Vigilante 8, just because it looked like dumb fun.We got fun alright, but it was anything but dumb.In this game you have an incredible arsenal of weaponsto strap onto the back of your Corvette, school bus, or even flying saucer,the more weapons, the more damage to others(of course).You can play withonly two players but that limitation is quicly made up with advantages. You're able to do missions as 12 out of the 13 characters, each of whichhas their own crazy persona.You have the disco idiot, the pyrotechnicguy, a cyborg lady, a man in seacrh of aliens, and a gambler.Each hastheir own car/truck/saucer with limitations and advantages.Other thanmissions, you can play single-player skirmish against up to four computeropponents (you can set the computer to come back after it get killed for upto three times).Also, you can do a two player skirmish, competitively ina one-on-one, or sooporatively against up to three opponents.As far asactual game play and control is concerned, the animation is just a littlechoppy at times, but it really isn't distracting at all.The controls arecompletely customizable, so you can set up different weapons on differentbuttons.On the topic of weapons, each character has the ability to haveup to three weapons on their car at a time, each has access to picking upabout a dozen or so weapons, and then each character has their own personal"special" weapon that the others can't have.the disco idiot hasa disco ball that shoots lasers, a bee handler as radioactive bees that hesics on the opponent, and pyro has a turret that shoots fireballs.Oh,also, as you progress through the missions, you unlock up to five newcharacters and two new scenarios.The scenarios are great because theyhave specials of their own.For example, if you knock over a windmill onthe farm level, the blade at the top flies at whoever you have targeted anddamages them.If you blow up the grain silos, they go nuclear.You canride in ski lifts on the ski slope level, go in the blimp on the Las Vegaslike city, do almost any zany thing you can think of!There is no blood inthe game as you are only blowing up cars.This game is one that can beplayed universally as just a fun all around game.THIS GAME IS AMUST-HAVE!

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