
Battlezone Review

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I grew up placing my head into the "sight" for Battlezone at the arcades.Shooting my happy little green enemies with my little greenbullets.So, naturally, I was interested in the souped up 90s version ofBattlezone.I wasn't disappointed.
Activision took the Battlezonefranchise and created the first successful hyrbid of Real Time Strategy(RTS) and a First Person Shooter (FPS).You've got all the excitement of agood simulation/shooter in the game plus a good depth ofstrategy.
Despite being a '98 game, it still looks pretty.It's alsoplenty challenging.I did get to a point, however, where I was tired offighting the same old Bad Guy ships, so eventually I weaned myself from thegame.I've heard the the game shines in multiplayer (death match).
Ifyou're looking for an inexpensive, but good 3D title.This is a definitewin.

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Product Description:
Battlezone places you in the midst of the cold war--as it's being fought in outer space. Play either the Soviet or American side; command and create over 30 units, such as antigravity tanks, walkers, guntowers, barracks, and recyclers--all while fighting from inside your own vehicle in single-player or multiplayer skirmishes.

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