
Magic the Gathering Interactive Encyclopedia Review

Magic the Gathering Interactive Encyclopedia
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As a magic player, I've found 3 huge features enormously beneficial to my game. They are: A) the Deckbuilder, that lets you build, analyze, and control decks to your heart's content. This deckbuilder is awesomely powerful, and contains every single feature I could think of -- it'samazing what they packed in here. B) the listing and viewing of everysingle card in the Encyclopedia section, that lets me just scroll throughcards and compare them to the "real" ones I have in front of meon my play-mat. The fact that everything -- even Mercadian Masques -- ishere, really kicks!And C) the Online Play section I think is doneperfectly, because it doesn't constrain your style of play -- you just goonline and get rocking with a friend. I really like the fact that they'verespected how people really play Magic, and I can play championship decksagainst other people, and I can play decks built from any cards ever made-- I don't have to worry about buying the card -- I can just build a deckand play it.This product is really incredible !

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