
Urban Chaos Riot Response Review

Urban Chaos Riot Response
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The title, the implications, and the M for Mature rating drew me to this title, a solid shooter from Eidos about...urban chaos.

Urban Chaos: Riot Response about sums it up.Set in some city (say, New York, of course), you play a member of an elite SWAT-type, special-anti-terror-whatever unit charged with taking back the streets from ultraviolent, insane street gangs.

The bottom line is a lot of shooting, and thankfully, lots of blood (hence the rating, this is not a game for kiddies).Heads and arms even come flying off in all that mayhem, always a welcome detail, sadly absent from the more cartoon-like violence of many war games.Of course, the game includes an angle to (possibly) discourage you from the Rambo approach all the time.Since the `T-Zero' unit you work for is on shaky public-relations ground (it's expensive and unproven and prone to the kind of shooting reserved for such games) you have the option and incentive to take gang members alive.This will improve the `image' of T-Zero, and you get to electrocute guys with a powerful tazer.

But where's the fun in that?Like Bronson in Death Wish 3, when facing an insane gang with no discernable goals beyond chaos, you have to blow them all away.But, at least it's your choice.

If you love 80s action movies, where the art of seeing criminal scum being blown away in slow-motion was perfected, then this was made with you in mind.The game includes gang-death cut-scenes, meaning that certain gang members, when getting blasted, go flying this way and that in slo-mo.It's great---you shoot the guy at different angles, and he'll go flying off the roof, against a wall, through an elevator shaft, arms flailing, blood splattering, etc.See?Truly made with the Death Wish 3 fan in mind.But don't worry, as Arnold once said, "They were all bad".

The Burners, the evil street gang, are the perfect enemy: mysterious, faceless (they all wear modern Jason-esque hockey masks), and brutal (they don't seem to have an agenda except causing chaos and mindless violence).As if you cared.The guns are solid, the standard-issue handgun quite good, the double-barrel shotgun classic, and some oddities like meat cleavers thrown in.The other angle is the control you get over `supporting' characters like firemen and medics---you get to order them around to heal people, break down doors, put out fires, and perform other services that facilitate your blowing away of various thugs, evildoers, and miscreants.

The message couldn't be more clear--a future dystopia of complete corporate and government dominance, of disaffected, faceless masses killing people and trying to destroy the system, and of brutal, secretive, and suspicious enforcers called upon to restore `order'--is a recurrent, dependable and winning formula for violent shoot-em'ups.One decade it's paranoia, the next decade it's the all-too-real specter of `terrorism', but these are only minor tweaks to the presentation.Rest assured that even if the world WERE one day invaded by aliens, or if `the system' broke down, we would still get sophisticated, well-produced, predictable but fun and extremely violent video games out of it all.

Recommended for fans of M-rated shooters, it's not terribly difficult, but at the reduced cost it's worth it.Also has a nice multiplayer accompanying up to 8 people, which moves reasonably well.

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Product Description:
Urban Chaos: Riot Response puts you on the streets of a decaying city in modern day America. Gang warfare is destroying its interior, and you've been authorized by the government to meet them with a military response. Use a mix of lethal and non-lethal means to take the city's enemies down. Start out on your own, but as you play you'll recruit local police, firemen and EMTs into your unit, creating a local army that's powerful enough t o take the gangs down once and for all.Take control of civilian population, to ensure their safetyRecruit key members of emergency services -- police, firemen and medics -- in the heat of the action Up to 17 single-player missions, with dynamic multiplayer action

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