
Unreal 2: The Awakening Special Edition Review

Unreal 2: The Awakening Special Edition
Average Reviews:

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Unreal 2: The Awakening is like any other First Person Shooter game. You are the last hope of the world again, and you must take on the enemy (mostly) alone. Only to be rewarded with similar cut scenes of your transport going from - or coming to your space ship. (Although your First Mate, Aida, is somewhat good looking (...))It's an entertaining story at least. And probably worth the (...) asking price for what it is. Just expect to play it for 6 - 10 hours with little replay.
What sets this game a part from other shooters is the one sniper mission where you have to protect a mechanic from a sniper vantage point. Or the two mini-base building mission, where you protect others by building a force field and gun turrets. Else, you just hunt for the switch or find the Artifact, and even this is fairly straight forward. And the weapons are very imaginative. (Later on in the game...)
To sum it up: AI is great. Graphics are great. Sound is great. The story is good. Characters are good. And the missions are average. Length of the game is short. And the difficulty is adjustable from very easy to insane.

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Product Description:
Today an outcast...tomorrow a hero.Product InformationYou are John Dalton a Marshal for the Terran Colonial Authority and anex-Marine assigned to patrol the edge of human exploration. Unexpectedlyyour monotonous life is shattered by a chilling distress signal. Violent turmoilamong the races has erupted on your watch. You are humanity's only hopefor salvation. Only you can prevent the Awakening.Unreal graphics and sound immerse you in a swarm of alien worlds full ofbreathtaking scenery and brutal action. 3D sound envelops you inhailstorms of bullets mind-jarring explosions and the eerie chatter of alientongues.Expanded Multiplayer (XMP) takes the battle online. XP features newweapons vehicles and maps for up to 32 players in class-based teamwarfare. Experience savage combat in war-ravaged colonies distant alienoutposts and the ruins of ancient civilizations.Product FeaturesIntense first-person shooter that immerses players in an epic sci-fiadventureAdvanced real-time dialog system for fluid communications with yourship's crew and non-player charactersIncredibly lifelike graphics with skeletal animation; 15 weapons; 24different enemiesSpecial Edition includes latest patches as well as expanded multiplayer (XMP)New weapons vehicles and maps for up to 32 players in class-based teamwarfareUse the included Unreal Editor software to create your own levels ofpersonalized Unreal universe.Windows RequirementsWindows 98 Me 2000 XPPentium III or AMD Athlon 733MHz or higher (Pentium or AMD 1.2GHz orgreater recommended)256 MB of RAM (384 MB or greater recommended)3.0 GB free Hard Disk space8X CD-ROM drive32 MB NVIDIA GeForce 2 MX or better Video Card (64MB NVIDIA GeForce 3/ATiRadeon 8500 or better recommended)Windows compatible Sound Card (NVIDIA nForce or other motherboard/Sound Cardcontaining the Double Digital Interactive Encoder

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