
Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel Review

Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel
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For people that arent aware this game goes hand in hand with the Fullmetal Alchemist anime series.So if you havent seen that and are planning to get this game then i'd hold off on that.With that being said for the amount time it took me to finish this game. I believe that it was time maybe not well spent but it wasnt a waste of time either. I only had a couple issues with the game one being the controls are a bit on the wacked out side and the other being the AI of your character partner.I dont know how many times.I was screaming at the TV for him to come to my aid and he keeps saying "okay" like a thousand times and wouldnt come over.Or he would and i'd be trying to get around him and he's blocking my path.

I mean dont get me wrong i did enjoy being able to change items into different ones and make new weapons to own the various enemies that you face.But for me to have a partner they should be actively contributing to the battle not watching me.Get swarmed by a horde of enemies not that they were hard.But what's the point.The story again follow the anime series so you kind of need to get into that beforehand, graphics are decent not really top notch but crappy.The levelling system didnt seem like it made any real difference in the game to me.

I rarely ever had problems getting past an enemy or a level.Only a rare occasion usually due to my own error.Was able to finish the game in a few sittings.I got sucked in by the story and when it was all said and done.I feel that it was an okay purchase, but i wouldn't pay 49.99 for it.I'd wait til it was cheaper or rent the game over a long weekend.

Hope the second one is a bit better than this one.

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Product Description:
Full Metal Alchemist: The Broken Angel is based on the hit anime that's only recently arriving on American shores. Edwin and Alphonse are brothers with the unique power of 'alchemy' -- the power to transform one substance into another. When trying to save their dying parents with their powers, Edward lost two limbs and Alphonse lost his body. To keep Alphonse from dying, Edwin built him a suit of armor to hold his spirit. Edwin must master the ancient magic of the Philosopher's Stone to recover Alphonse's body.

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