
X-COM: UFO Defense Review

X-COM: UFO Defense
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This is a turn-based tactical squad game that any strategy gamer would be happy to have in thier collection. It's creepy "X-Files" feel is a blast and a realistic AI keeps things interesting. The aliens will use cross-fires, ambushes, guerrilla warfare, hit-and-run, dog pile, and even hide-and-seek tactics. It's nice to play a game that DOESN'T NEED TO CHEAT in order to give you a challenge. Your enemies simply use tactics, superior numbers, and better equipment to take you down. Any stunts that they can pull, you can pull but not always right away, as you need to capture and interogate the punks in order to be able to research and develop all of the aliens cool stuff (which makes sense considering that your enemy is a faster-than-light space faring civilization). Eventually, the playing field will start to favor your own as humanity slowly gains the alien's gear but by then you won't care as you'll be having too much fun paying them back for earlier by watering the grass with thier blood. Of course when this happens, the cowards may actually turn tail and run in face of your might. They'll try to get away and may even resort to hiding in closets and such (that's not a joke, they WILL hide in closets if your power greatly exceeds thier own but this is what grenades and rocket launchers are for). X-Com is an oldie and may not even run on some newer machines but it's worth a look as many of it's ideas are finally starting to be embraced by gaming companies today.

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Product Description:
The UFOs are invading our skies! Reports of human and bovine abductions are increasing daily! Cities are terrorized! Something must be done! XCOM, or eXtraterrestrial COMbat unit, was founded as an international force to combat the alien menace. Start with one base, two fighters, one transport, and a few soldiers, you must stop the alien threat... once and for all. XCOM is essentially two separate games with interlinkage. On the strategic side, called GeoScape, you get a rotating view of the globe, where you see all visible UFOs (those that are within your detection range) as well as major cities and your base(s). You order movements from here, such as sending out fighters to intercept UFOs, transports with soldiers to assault/recover UFOs, and perhaps assault alien bases (if you find any). You also control your research, as you must find better weapons (the Terran weapons are just no match against the alien weapons) quickly, not to mention all the other cool tech you can recover from the aliens. You also need to control your budget, as you can't afford to overextend your reach. Researchers need to be paid, engineers (who build the new toys) need to be paid, base(s) need to be be built/expanded, planes been to be bought/maintained, supplies need to be replenished... Once you join a ground battle, the game switches to Battlescape, which is a 3D isometric view of the battlefield with realistic line-of-sight calculations and turn-based combat. Your mission is usually extermination of all aliens on the battlefield, though if you can capture a few it would surely help your research efforts. You also recover any alien artifacts left on the field if you win... Which can then be researched... Overall, the game is a true classic, as it successfully mixes strategic considerations, resource management, and tactical combat considerations, along with plenty of authentic UFO lore (made popular by the X-files)

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