
Dragon Force Review

Dragon Force
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Dragon Force is one of several games that is excellent, but completely unnoticed and forgotten because it was on the Saturn.I'm going to say right now, if you have a Saturn, you should definitely get this game.
Dragon Force is a basic strategy game in quasi-realtime, which was pretty well-done, and it has tactical combat.None of it is too in-depth, but the mechanics are good.There is a pretty cool role-playing element with your leaders.They are the most important parts of your army.Often your soldiers' only goal is to kill the enemy soldiers, leaving your leaders to duel.It has a good story for a strategy game, which fits better than I would have thought, especially the ending.In the same vein of thought, the characters and different factions are awesome.
There isn't much to say about the graphics.They're nice, but old.The anime cutscenes, of which there are only 2 or 3, where pretty cool.Dragon Force has pretty nifty music as well, but it was nothing special.
The main thing here is length (a good 50 to 60 hours) and replay value (playing through the game with 2 or 3 factions is definitely worthwhile).Dragon Force is just plain cool.If you have a Saturn, I highly recommend it.

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Product Description:
Dragon Force is a real-time strategy and tactics video game from Sega created for the Sega Saturn. It was created in Japan and translated for U.S. release by Working Designs in 1996. A sequel, never translated, was released for the Saturn in Japan in 1998. The first title was re-released for the PlayStation 2 as part of the Sega Ages series.

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