
Empire Earth Review

Empire Earth
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I can still remember when I played the original AGE OF EMPIRES, wondering to myself if they would be able to make the same general strategy game using modern weaponry. As I loved the original AE, I held out hope that they would someday be able to pull it off.
Well, there is no reason to wonder anymore:our friends at SIERRA have done it. EMPIRE EARTH and its expansion set (both included in EE GOLD) takes us all the way from the dawn of mankind up thru the modern age and even into the future with spaceship and robotic battles and the like.
For myself, the most satisfying component of the game is being able to play with modern-day weapons. Build tanks, artillery and various troops for huge land battles.Build air-forces with fighters and bombers.Build navies with submarines, aircraft carriers, battleships and frigates.
Your civilians form the backbone of your military apparatus as they're the ones who collect the necessary resources (i.e.:wood, food, gold, stone, iron, etc) for your campaigns.You're the one in charge;how you utilize your resources is up to you.If you fail, you're the one who is accountable.If you are victorious, you're the one who deserves all the accolades and glory!
The most remarkable thing about the game for me is its symmetry.There is no one single "unstoppable" weapon in your arsenal. The most powerful weapon is the B-52, with which you can nuke your enemies.However, you had better protect it with great care;send it by itself on long-range bombing sorties and it's sure to be shot down by enemy fighters, anti-aircraft batteries or soldiers with STINGER missiles.
You may create TRIDENT submarines with powerful cruise missiles that can strike targets deep inland.However, these submarines are also the easiest for your enemies to sink:protect them at all costs!
Apache helicopters are devastating against tanks and other land targets, but are highly vulnerable to STINGERS and are downright helpless against enemy jet fighters. Jet fighters are susceptible to the fierce fire of anti-aircraft batteries.However, anti-aircraft batteries are hapless against tanks.All units have their strong points, and all units have their weaknesses, be they ground, sea or air.
If you like strategy games, I cannot recommend EE enough.If you like building armies, blowing stuff up and upgrading the prowess of your military, this is certainly the game for you.Just beware:it's about the most addictive game you will ever play!

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Product Description:
Rewrite history with the ultimate strategycollection!Product InformationEmpire Earth Gold Edition includes the original Empire Earth named Gamespy's"PC Game of the Year" and the official expansion Empire Earth: TheArt of Conquest. An added feature is an Official Strategy Guide withaward-winning strategies and advice from tournament champions for both games.Empire Building:Command history's best known civilizations such as the Greeks English Frenchor Germans or create and customize your own from scores of unique attributes.Colonize or conquer surrounding territories and establish new settlements. Planand build walled towns and city-states. Construct Temples and Hospitals toprotect and enhance your growing empire. Town Centers inspire defenders to fightharder and can be transformed into powerful Capitols. Wood gold iron and othernatural resources provide the raw materials for expansion while intelligentcitizens keep your economy running smoothly. Over a dozen technology tracksoffer numerous opportunities for further advancement.Weapons Of War:Train more than 200 types of combat units from every era in history includingEarth's future. Instantly enhance the combat abilities of your troops withspecific improvements. Lead your armies to glorious victory with the help ofCharlemagne Cromwell and other great heroes from yesterday today andtomorrow. Carry out surprise assaults in the dead of night. Attack unsuspectingenemies with stealthy submarines and aircraft. Soften up an enemy position withartillery fire carpet bombing or off-shore shelling. Wage epic air battleswith over 30 types of aircraft such as Camels Spitfires F-15s Apache Gunshipsand B-2 Bombers. Fight massive naval engagements with more than 40 kinds ofships including 16th Century ships-of-the-line U-boats and modern aircraftcarriers. Train colossal Cybers to fight the battles of the future.Religion Wonders and More:In Empire Earth the military option is just one possible path to victory.Convert an enemy's

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