
Metal Slug 4 and 5 (2 Pack) Review

Metal Slug 4 and 5
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With this combo pack, you get two separate DVDs with two separate games on them. One is Metal Slug 4, and the second is the sequel, Metal Slug 5.

First, it's important to remember that neither of these games are "current". They're old school. That means you're playing side scrollers with blocky graphics. It's actually amazing how well they could do design work with those blocks of shape and color! The sounds are also pretty basic, but do a good job of drawing you into the action.

In Metal Slug 4, you move along the path as one of four heroes, blasting away at enemies with guns, grenades, flamethrowers and more. In Metal Slug 5, you also get 4 characters to choose from. In both cases the choices are 2 girls or 2 guys, which is pretty amazing for "ancient gaming" :)

The graphics are slightly improved in Metal Slug 5, and you get some new enemies, but really it's a continuation of the same gameplay and graphic style.

Because these were arcade games, you get a "continue" when you die, meaning you can just restart there and keep going. You don't even have to pump in quarters! We were able to blast through Metal Slug 4 in 45 minutes, and Metal Slug 5 in 30 minutes. In the arcade, the test was to do it all in one long swoop, not to burn $1000 in quarters with continues. So if you really want to test your skills, tell yourself not to use continues. Restart from the beginning, try again and see how well you do. That will help you really tune your reflexes and give you a longer lasting thrill out of playing.

Not an epic storytelling by any stretch of the imagination, but a fun way to mindlessly burn off stress after a rough day at work or school!

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Product Description:
In Metal Slug 4 you'll take the battle to the air, sea and land as you once again battle Morden's forces. In the year 20XX, a cyber-terrorist group has struck out at the world by unleashing a computer virus to hijack the world's militaries. You'll fight to stop the distribution of the virus before it's too late. Then move on to Metal Slug 5, where the secrets of next-generation Metal Slug technology have been stolen. Lead your team into the "Corridor Of Fire" to recover the secrets and destroy the paramilitary syndicate known as the Ptolemaic Army.

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