
Voodoo Vince Review

Voodoo Vince
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I have actually played the complete version of Voodoo Vince. I must say, this is a breath of fresh air on the shooter-heavy Xbox. This game has a high degreee of polish and personality from beginning to end. The gameplay, level design, puzzles, mood and even the music all work extremely well.
First, the character controls. Vince is really responsive and has almost no "laggy-ness." He turns, moves and jumps very easily. His basic moves are standard platformer fare: He runs, jumps, double-jumps, punches, spins and head butts his way through the game.
Vince himself is a hoot. The game is filled with sarcastic comments which make fun of other characters, Vince and the platformer genre. I thought the little animations Vince does when he gets bored were especially well done. His voice is sort of odd, sounding like that guy from the Man Show, but after a while it kind of grew on me.
Probably the biggest stand-out for me were the voodoo powers themselves. Since Vince is a voodoo doll, it okay to do bad things to him. Vince can get destroyed in all sorts of strange and funny ways. Some of these are "powers" which are basically highly animated smart bombs. Some are related to puzzles and boss battles, where finding a harmful, dangerous thing and turning it against Vince is how you beat the monsters. These are both clever and funny.
The levels are beautiful, and well designed. The platforming could get more tricky than I've seen for a while, but that's okay. Plunging into an unexpected pit had me a bit frustrated at times, but the game has a great auto-save feature which means you don't have to play very much over again if Vince dies.
There are lots of cool mini-games to be found in Voodoo Vince. At times, he gets to fly an airplane, drive a fanboat or jump around on a giant spring. There is even a totally insane boss battle where he rides a rat. I thought this gave the experience the right amount of variety and kept the basic gameplay from getting monotonous.
The game has a lot of in-game cut scenes, where Vince deals with other characters, gets his latest mission or some pay-off for doing something right. These were also superbly animated.
The music gets a special nod. It's mostly old-style jazz, but it changes over the course of the game perfectly to fit the southern, New Orleans setting. I don't think I've ever heard stuff like this in a video game.
The fact that this is a game which might appeal to younger gamers, plus the fact that it's on the light, humorous side means it might not appeal to some serious gamers. But I thought there was a lot to like in Voodoo Vince and I heartily recommend it.

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Product Description:
Voodoo Vince is a super-tough voodoo doll that you'll control on his Cajun-style adventure!

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