
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Review

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
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In any case, I can comment (objectively) on the game because I have played it and I can say without a doubt that it's worth buying.Some of us can remember back to the Wolfenstein 3D which later led to Doom which revolutionized the shareware concept and finally brought the PC to a viable gaming platform.Of course, some of us can remember all the way back to the original Castle Wolfenstein of the Apple IIc days, but lets not go there...
Anyways, gamers have waited long and hard for the chance to battle nazis once again and this game delivers.Castles are rendered in very nice detail on my Geforce, it almost starts to smell cold and musty in here (maybe that's me).The cutscenes are also well done and provide a nice prologue to each mission.The game's intro you'll probably only watch once or twice but it's one of the coolest ever!The music is very atmospheric and spooky, reminiscent of Quake.Whoever said the game crashes all the time must have a bad system or be using XP.Anyone who has "downgraded" to XP should've realized that nothing's gonna run on XP for a year (you think people would've learned after Windows 95.)In any case, I run the game on my non-XP system without problems.
Who cares about all that, right?It's the gameplay you want to hear about.Again, this game delivers.You start off as expected battling those evil nazi's as you escape Wolfenstein.From there the game gets progressively creepier as you dive deep into the catacombs and discover both you and the nazis are fighting off terrors even more disturbing.(...)Without spoiling too much, you find out the dead start coming to life and lemme tell ya, these buggers are tough to beat.Ammo starts becoming a serious issue.Not to mention some of the demons have shields that reflect the bullets back at you.Once you meet the fire demon - that alone is worth the price of admission.
Many of the zombies are just thick-skinned clods that are tough to kill, but don't think the enemies have bad AI.One of the head nazi's, Helga, is protected by an elite corp of women who can dodge, roll and even double team against you.Toss a grenade at em?They'll just kick it back at you (and they'll usually wait until just before it's ready to blow up too.)Very quick and very tough.Not to mention, the first time I snuck up behind one of Helga's elite guards, I had to stop and admire the "artwork".
Last but not least, the game borrows a page from the success of No One Lives Forever (another great game) by allowing the player to sneak up on the enemy and listen to their conversations.It's also interesting to run into the occasions the nazis are too busy battling demons to worry about attacking you.This is probably the first game that has made me jump since Doom came out.The surprise factor is used a little excessively in my opinion, but you'll definitely get a few scares.
Multiplayer is quick and responsive on a cable modem.I, of course, get pounded on mercilessly by the thousands of kids who are much better than I.The new interesting addition is the formation of team assaults where each member has a special ability (Lieutenants can call in airstrikes, medics can heal players, engineers can set dynamite, etc...).I find this difficult when joining existing games where I don't know any of the other members, but I figure people will soon be forming clans, similar to Mechwarrior, to exploit the advantages team based assaults can provide.No idea yet on invincibility hacks or other cheats, I get beat so bad it seems like they're all invincible to me.
So there you go.I was worried the emphasis would be on multiplayer and the single player game would be lacking, but that is not the case.If you are into multiplayer battles, then you probably already have a copy of this game by now.
Hope the review helped!

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