
King of Fighters 2006 Review

King of Fighters 2006
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The next addition to the king of fighters series.... is it a hit? Hell yeah it is. The original 3d hit: King of fighters Maximum Impact was a great addition to the King of Fighters series. SNK took one of the best 2d fighting series and puts it in to 3 dimensions with 3d character models and 3d backgrounds. The King of Fighters 2006 takes this engine, and gives it a work out. The fight system is extremely fast pasted, which is a little different from the 2d King of Fighters games, which have always been slow. The game makes a big emphasis on using combos and special moves. This game, unlike many other 3d fighters, is not a button masher. Meaning, I cannot just hit X over and over, and win the round. The AI is not the best I have played with, but playing it on hard was tough as nails. Sometimes I think the game knows what moves I am going to be dishing out. Even while playing on easy, I am not able to win fights using only projectiles. The AI has been upgraded significantly from MI.
A huge addition to this game is a Counter System. Hit L2 while standing to counter high attacks, or while crouched to counter low attacks. These will basically, block and stun the enemy unit for a split second allowing you just enough time to attack him. I did not find myself using it very much, since the game is so fast paced, it is extremely hard to counter and attack. Overall the battle system works great. You can fight using just combination attacks, special moves, or a mixture of both.
A total of 38 characters to choose, from most of which you have to unlock along with over 15 costumes per characters, make each fight different. The addition of Billy Kane and Kula brought back some of the best characters to tournament. Some of the unlockable characters are characters with a very identical move set. You can unlock Wild Wolf, who is Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves. They decided yet again not to add some of the most important characters from the KOF series: Andy Bogard and King.
Gameplay: Very few times I run into frame rate issues, other than that the game runs smooth as silk, and very easy control scheme.
Graphics: The backgrounds are some of the best backgrounds I have seen on ps2 fighting games. It seems the focus for the characters was the clothing and the hair. Their faces and bodies could have been worked on a little more, but the character movements are classic, and realistic.
Online: How much I would have wanted online play, there is no online play, but there are many verses modes.
Overall: This is one of the best additions to the series, and shows that SNK can make a fighting game that critics can compare to bigger titles such as Tekken and Virtua Fighter. King of Fighters Fans will love this game to death.
Rating: 9/10

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Product Description:

Originally titled King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2, this 2006 edition in the KOF series is the second edition in SNK's 3D conversion of the popular fighting game. The game features new characters, a new story, and new battle systems that include KOF:MI's "Stylish Moves" (combo up to evolve your fighting), and new Counterstrike and Super Cancel moves (one to parry attacks and shift from offence to defence, the other a 1-bar Super Move where you cancel their Super Move and launch into your own Super Special Move). New characters added will be Nagase, Luise Meyrink (both original creations), Kula Diamond, and Billy Kane. More than 20 characters will be included in all, including hidden fighters.


    Several new KOF characters, as well as returning favorites and hidden bonus characters
    Classic SNK characters Kula Diamond and Billy Kane, for the first time in 3D
    Beautiful background stages including NEOGEO Land
    In-depth storyline featuring a different ending for each character
    All-new mini-games
    English and Japanese voice options

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