
Freedom Force Review

Freedom Force
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Graphically, this game is beautiful, as are the sounds and music. It's definitely original with the superhero backdrop, and someone with more than a passing interest in comics and their history will appreciate the near perfect duplication they've done of the 60's era of comics with things such as...
1) Word balloons like "WHAP!" and "BAM!"
2) Cheesy catch phrases like "For Freedom!" and "Moons of Riznor!"
3) Bright primary colors for heroes, as well as fairly cheesy origins
4) Heroes with idealized notions of being "do-gooders"
5) Likewise, half-baked villians with dreams of grandeur
6) Members still have their little spats, possible romances, etc.
7) Comic book cover artwork nearly identicaly to those from the 60's
8) Copying heroes from the past, like Captain America, Bucky, Aquaman, etc.
Strategy and tactics are required to win as you select and use up to a dozen pre-made characters OR CREATE YOUR OWN! The slow-motion effect (that you can adjust) makes this game possible and really shine. Camera control is incredibly easy. The physics engine they've built is superb (everything is destrucible, the more strength a char has, the more heavier objects he/she can lift, great collision detection, etc.) You've got various stats like speed, etc. And there are literally limitless variations of superpowers as you create and customize your own characters.
I've tried to think of some things I didn't like about it, but I honestly haven't enjoyed and respected a game this much since Half-Life. But if I had to pick some things, it'd be...
1) No mini-map. But not a big deal since levels aren't huge and double-clicking on a hero portrait takes you right to them.
2) Multi-player only allows players to fight one another, but not WITH each other. I'm not a MP person myself, so it doesn't bother me, but it appears this issue will be addressed.
3) The only real gripe I do have, is it's too short. However, it is SO FUN that I'm playing it a second time through, but I'll be hiring different heroes this time around.
But there is a very strong silver lining to number 3, and that is they have now made an editor for the game. So you can either create your own adventure, or because of the huge fan base for this game (already, 100's of hero skins have been made by fans -- from Superman to Greg Brady) the fans will be making multiple scenerios, one-time shots, heroes, villians, etc that are downloadable off the net.
One thing to note is that the demo is an excellent good representation of the game. So give that a whirl and if you like it, you'll love Freedom Force! And it's not just me -- if you look at any professional gaming community like Gamespot, etc, you will find VERY high ratings. So if you like strategy and tactics, or comics, or good clean fun, you'll LOVE this game. And if you like more than one of those, you'll be just like me and won't be able to wait for the sequel!

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Product Description:
Freedom Force puts you into your favorite comic-book adventures as you lead a of team of superheroes in their missions across New York City!Exciting multiplayer games that takes you into the superhero thrills you loved as a kid!

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