
Fritz 10 Chess (DVD) Review

Fritz 10 Chess
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The best part of this program is the "Visualize Search" option.During Infinite Analysis (ALT-F2) it uses graphics to display not only tactical manoeuvres, but also possible plans for both sides.

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Product Description:
Fritz 10 Chess Software for PC, the program that for many years now has fascinated the chess world. Whether it was the match against World Champion Vladimir Kramnik in Bahrain in 2002, or against Garry Kasparov in New York in 2003, or the revenge match against World Champion Kramnik in the National Art Gallery in Bonn, Germany, in 2006, the pitting of wits of the strongest players on the planet against the world's finest chess playing program has generated unprecedented media attention and fired the imagination of people from all walks of life. Man vs Machine has become one of the great themes of our time.Don't be afraid! Fritz has a different side to its personality. The program will help you along during the game, with numerous sophisticated coaching functions, adjusting its playing strength to exactly match that of any opponent. It graphically displays threats and plans, and provides full opening statistics. For beginners Fritz will explains moves and positions, or warn you of dangers and of errors you are committing. It has instructive training modules and amusing handicap levels. For club and tournament players Fritz has long become a trusted friend and indispensable advisor, helping them to study their games and find new opening ideas for their next tournaments. A database with more than a million games provides the basis for state-of-the-art analysis. Even Garry Kasparov has used Fritz on a regular basis.

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