
Xtreme Legends: Dynasty Warriors 4 Review

Xtreme Legends:  Dynasty Warriors 4
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I have played DW4:XL for a solid day now, and I must confess that, wow, this is tough!
After complaints of the difficulty of DW3:XL, I thought that KOEI had given in to das man, and DW4 seemed much easier than either of its predecessors. In fact, I could (and did) play through the game on hard level with EVERY character, starting with INITIAL stats. No more, though, heh heh
If you didn't like the first XL, don't bother with this one. The Archers have returned and are as cheap as ever, and charged officers can lay even the best players low in a matter of seconds. Still, for those who enjoyed DW3:XL, you'll find a lot here.
Each character has a "Legend" mode, which is one level devoted to that character alone. I was quite happy with these in general (e.g. Jiang Wei must hold off the Wei army while keeping his stupid emperor, Liu Chan, from surrendering the city; Lu Xun attempts to navigate Zhuge Liang's Stone Sentinel Maze, fighting off the ambushes and traps along the way). The player is rated on how well he does during the level, and higher ratings (I think) can net new (level 11) weapons and higher level items. But man, is it tough!
Also, an extreme mode has been added. Here a player chooses one character and (with initial data and weapon) must survive a series of fictitional "Missions". There are no meat buns or the like to be found on these levels; you must buy such items with the points you accumulate during your travels. This mode is pretty fun, but I found it a tad too easy for my taste.
Of course, you can load old DW4 data and play through Musou and Free modes, but the real fun here is the "Legends" mode. The 42 new levels alone are worth the price of admission, IMHO.
BUT, if you were frustrated by the ridiculous difficulty of the previous XL ofering, DON'T BUY THIS ONE! No shame; at times, I wonder if expert difficulty is meant for fun or suffering myself!

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Product Description:
Dynasty Warriors 4 Xtreme Legends is both a standalone game and an expansion disc to the amazing Dynasty Warriors 4! Unlock new features and face new challenges, as you prove you have the courage and fortitude to start an empire -- and become a legend. New officer & bodyguard editors for designing your characters Special remix tools for combining Dynasty Warriors 4 with Xtreme Legends

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