
King of Fighters 2002/2003 Review

King of Fighters 2002/2003
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I've been playing "The King of Fighters" series pretty regularly since its inception in 1994, and pound for pound, it is the best 2D fighting game series out there.The "Street Fighter" series may have pretty much started it all as far as fighting games go (and was pretty innovative at the time), but when you count depth, strategy, animation, and flat out fun factor, "Street Fighter" doesn't come close to KOF.The evolution of this series from 1994 until now has gained more fans worldwide every year, and innovation reaches its pinnacle with KOF 2002/2003 (mostly with 2003).
KOF was the first fighting game in history to use the 3-person team concept, and no other fighting game (except "Marvel vs. Capcom 2") has duplicated it since.In 1994, all of the fighters were grouped into teams, and they featured several familiar faces from many different SNK games.Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, and even Ikari Warriors was represented, and the fact that whole teams (with fighters having several different styles and moves) smacked down with one another offered unparalleled strategy.It evolved further in '95, with the option to put any 3 fighters in a team (as well as several new and original characters).The fight combinations were almost endless at this point.SNK also started experimenting with melding elements from their other fighting games into KOF, and it met with more success.
Well, 10 years later, here we are.KOF is nowhere near the same game as 1994, and fans of the series couldn't be more thankful.It's hard to improve upon near perfection, but the folks at SNK/Playmore have done it.The evolution is complete, with the most gorgeous, in-depth, and just plain fun version of them all.This is actually a collection of two games (on two different discs), as you may have guessed from the title, and there are lots of things to like about both of them.Once you've played them both for a little while, though, the differences between the two are clear.The 2003 version is clearly superior to 2002, as 2002 is basically a thrown-together remix/slugfest combining elements from past KOF games, while 2003 introduces new characters, new gameplay elements, and an all-new storyline (what's that?A storyline in a FIGHTING GAME?).
Both games have most of the same features: single-player, vs. play, survival mode (single or team); the usual fighting game features.But let's get to the important stuff: what will make you want to buy this collection?

--Lots of characters from which to choose (44 in all).All of the fighters in '02 are from the '96-'01 games, so veterans of the series will likely already be familiar with them.Even the end boss, Omega Rugal, is selectable from the get-go.There are 2 or 3 "secret" characters to unlock as well.This adds a great amount of strategy to an already challenging fighting game and makes for some interesting combinations.
--The graphics.As far as hand-drawn 2D games go, it doesn't get any better.The fighters, backgrounds, and special move effects are all gorgeous and have amazing detail.
--Control.The control in 2002 is a bit less responsive than 2003, which can lead to a little frustration.In order to execute special moves, you've got to be pretty deliberate with the D-Pad.Super moves can sometimes be torture to pull off, which is very annoying in a heated match.Highly recommend having a controller with an 8-way pad.
--Sound/BGM.Considering every other home version of KOF uses an arranged soundtrack (with real musical instruments as opposed to MIDI files, making even listening to the game a joy), it's areal downer to hear such clunky background music in a PS2 game.I fail to see the reasoning behind that.The music is one of the best parts of the KOF series.Also, even in stereo, the sound effects seem to fade in and out from time to time.
--NO ONLINE PLAY!What the heck is THAT all about?Talk about a game that screams to be online capable, and it's not.Disappointing, really; I was looking forward to having my rear end handed to me by Japanese 10-year-olds.
--Difficulty.In single-player mode, you will not find a cheesier end boss than Omega Rugal `02.On any difficulty setting above 4 (normal), forget beating him unless you're a champion-caliber player.The AI in the matches leading up to the end is crazy as well.Unless you just plan on smacking down with your friends, which is where the real fun is, you'd better know what you're doing before you even turn on the game.There are no "endings" to speak of in the game anyway, so there's almost no point in playing it through in single-player.

--Gorgeous graphics.This is the most well-drawn of the series.You almost feel as if you're watching anime when the fighters go at it.The fluidity of the animation is awesome.In normal graphics mode, the special moves' effects are also enhanced, and the backgrounds are even more detailed and unique.It's a true work of art.
--Control.2003 is a sheer joy to play control-wise.Even though the execution of several of a fighter's moves is similar (a KOF curse from '94 on), the controller knows the difference and you rarely miss a move.The most responsive control of any home version of KOF.
--New storyline means multiple endings.2003 marks the dawning of a new era for the tournament, as this year the bad guys (from a place called "His Distant Land", whatever that means) behind the scenes are starting something even more evil than NESTS or the Orochi.Each team has what's called a "good" ending, revealed after beating the "true" end boss, Mukai (have fun figuring out how to get it; it's easier than you think), that reveals just a bit about the developing story, adding replay value.Some of them are pretty hilarious, especially if you're familiar with the series.
--Depth/Strategy.The "tag out" concept is very fresh for this series, and you can also pick a "leader" for your team, which enables that fighter to pull out an extra-devastating Super move.The team combinations alone make for great replay value for a fighting game.There are 35 different characters to master in all.
--No online play.See 2002.
Forget THE UGLY.There's nothing ugly about it, unless you want to consider the lack of online play ugly.

For fighting game aficionados, there is no greater find than the KOF series.The depth, the longevity, and especially the intriguing characters make this series one of the most well-known and well-loved fighting game series in the world.SNK (now Playmore) saw something great in the Street Fighter series and basically said, "How can we make that better?".They did, and it's made for a great run.Sadly, 2003 marked the last time we'll see a 2D KOF game, probably ever.It's also very doubtful the next wave of 3D KOF games (if any more come down the pipe) will advance the potentially "chilling" storyline started in 2003.There's just not enough of a market for these types of games anymore, but there will always be old-school aficionados like me who've played `em for over 15 years now, and will continue to look out for them.If you share my passion, you'll not regret purchasing this game collection, despite the nuances.If you've never played a KOF game before, this would be the ultimate starting point.

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Product Description:
This "Collection of Highlights" brings together famous characters from KOF 1999, 2000, & 2001 and the exciting fighting systems that have made THE KING OF FIGHTERS the ultimate in 2D fighting. All of the great fighting teams are included, like the Fatal Fury Team featuring Terry and Andy Bogard, or the beautiful Mai from the Woman Fighters Team, and many more. KOF 2003 marks the beginning of a new epic saga in the KOF franchise. The tapestry of human relationships that entangle our new hero and an evil entity revealed by degrees...KOF 2003 is more than just a fighting game it's fighting with a purpose.

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