
Doom 3 Review

Doom 3
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This is definitely one of the moodiest, best-orchestrated games I've ever played. It gives many nods to the kind of immersion (and outright steals a number of elements) popularized by Half-Life. This is pure DOOM though - demons, possessed humans, flying skulls, creepy voices, etc. And of course, the two things you truly need for happiness while descending to Hell: a shotgun and a chainsaw.

If you like games that suck you in with powerful environments, DOOM 3 is the best you will ever find. The graphics are superb, dark, and downright freaky at times. Even better than the visuals, though, is the sound. Slithering sounds from nearby enemies, demonic laughter echoing down the hallway as monsters descend on you, etc. It all adds up to a powerful experience that can really tug at your claustrophobic strings.

Here's a low-down on the collector's edition.

* It's scary, it's visceral, it frays your nerves, and it's absolutely a ton of fun.
* Production values are outstanding, although the plot is paper-thin. But it's DOOM, so what do you expect? A Shakespearean play?
* Ultimate DOOM and DOOM II are included and very playable on the Xbox. Sure, they're outdated and clunky compared to this beautiful masterpiece. They're a walk down memory lane for those of us who remember the original games, and a good history lesson for those who don't.
* G4 "Icons" video with background info on the making of DOOM 3.
* Collector's Edition case is very cool.

* No split-screen co-op mode! You can only play co-op if you use Xbox Live or system link. Lame!

* The interviews in the collector's edition are pretty lame. It's basically a handful of the top guys at Id Software talking for a couple minutes each about some aspect of the game or other. Even when John Carmack himself was talking, I quickly got bored with how pedestrian the whole thing was.

Don't mind those folks who whine about how you can't use the flashlight at the same time as you use a weapon - deal with it! The game is still a blast, and it gives all new meaning to the phrase... GO TO HELL! Highly, highly, HIGHLY recommended.

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Product Description:
The Doom 3 Collector's Edition continues the incredible shooter action of the first Doomgames! The Mars Research Facility has been invaded by demons from Doom, leaving only chaosand horror in their wake. You're one of the only survivors - to stay alive you'll have tofight your way to Hell and back. Special Collector's Edition features the classic Doomand Doom 2, plus a special G4 show, art gallery, developer interviews and more.

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