
Quake III: Arena Review

Quake III: Arena
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To say that Quake 3 lives up to the hype is an understatement. I'll admit that, with the exception of the incredible graphics, I was a bit underwhelmed by the downloadable demo.
The final game, however, isfantastic. The bots are great fun - they play with a variety of differentstyles and "personalities" that make them very life-like. Asmentioned above, the graphics are mind-blowing. Q3 is the first andpresently the only 3D game that I'm aware of that uses curved surfaces, andthey vastly improve the visual appeal of the various environments. Thelevels are a bit monotonous from a "decorative" point of view,but for actual playability they offer a great deal of variety and are veryfast-paced. The jump pads increase the flexibility of the maps to a greatextent, allowing players toquickly move vertically.
While the Quakeseries has been traditionally enjoyed most by the "hard-core"gamers, id software did a good job of providing a few introductory levelsin Quake 3 to let the newbies practice their skills a little bit beforebeing thrown into the fire. And Quake is by far the reigning king ofInternet play - according to id's statistics, 500-1700 people worldwidejoin Q3 Internet games every 5 minutes.
Before purchasing, pay closeattention to the system requirements. Most mid- to high-end computerspurchased in the last 18 months will run Q3 just fine, but some willrequire upgraded video cards (cards based on NVidia's TNT/GeForce or 3DFX'sVoodoo technology are best).
Happy Fragging!

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