
System Shock 2 Review

System Shock 2
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Ever since the original System Shock appeared in 1994, I have wanted a sequel. Despite how antiquated the old game is, I still go back and play it over again to this day. And now, at last, we have System Shock 2 -- aboutas close to playing the lead role in a sci-fi thriller movie as most peoplecan get.
First off, you'll need a pretty powerful system to play thisgame at its fullest -- I have a Pentium II 300 MHz with 128 megs of RAM,and a 16 MB Riva TNT video board...SS2 runs fine for me at 640x480, with alittle choppiness here and there. My only complaint is that it seems totake a long time (20-30 seconds I guess?) to load a saved game.
But thataside, you'll never notice any choppiness. You'll forget it's even acomputer game. You'll be too busy gritting your teeth in terror as you hearthe footsteps of someone -- or something -- approaching you, wondering ifthat one last slug in your shotgun will be enough -- and praying that yourbadly-damaged weapon won't jam when you pull the trigger. These types ofscenarios are common in SS2 -- weapons degrade and misfire, ammunition isat a premium, and the approaching footsteps of the nearby mutated monstersor security robots are ultra-realistic. The only way to play this game iswith the lights off, in a quiet room, through a good surround speakersystem or headphones. You will come to appreciate the suspense, theatmosphere, and the downright creepiness of the thing that muchquicker.
Previous reviewers were right when they said this is a thinkingperson's 3D shooter. And indeed, it is almost more of an RPG than a pureaction game like Quake, et al. There's a wonderful character developmentsystem, which is neither too simple nor too complex...you must build yourskills and abilities, ranging from what weapons you are best with, howeasily you can repair things or hack computers, etc. You CANNOT max-outeverything -- so you will have to choose which skills to concentrate on.Throughout the game, there are numerous tasks you must perform, apart fromkilling things, to get to the bottom of the mysterious forces at work onthe Von Braun, the starship you awake on at the beginning of the game.Those of you who have played the original System Shock are in for lots ofwonderful tie-ins and surprises. There is one particularly horrifyingrevelation near the middle of the game -- during which you are reintroducedto an old friend -- that had my jaw hanging open for about half an hour.There is more atmosphere, suspense, and pure terror here than in any gameI've ever played before...including the Resident Evil series.
If you orsomeone you know is a fan of single-player action/adventure games and likesthe first-person shooter role, System Shock 2 is an absolute MUST HAVE, nodoubt about it. Get this game immediately. I am certain that you will notregret it.

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Product Description:
This science fiction role-playing game returns players to the battle begun in the original, System Shock. The sequel sets you in the 22nd century, where you can use a multitude of mechanical weapons and Psionic powers to attack and confuse your monster enemies in the universe. As you play, you will discover advances that will allow you to upgrade your weapons systems, uncover alien technology secrets, and hack into critical computers. This game is based around the Dark Engine and offers surreal 3-D graphics, effects, and action.

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