
Bust A Groove Review

Bust A Groove
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This beats any other American music game that has came out so far, and yet nobody has even took the time to review it! The object of the game is to press buttons in time with the beat of songs, while this nay sound shallow at first, you really have to play it to understand that this is a greatgame. Simmilar to a fighting game in the way it is set up, you first choose1 of 10 (14 when you beat the game with certain people)dancers, then you goto anouther dancers stage. Music begins playing ( different for eachpersons stage) and you must press the buttons accordingly. The charatersrange from Hiro (a disco dancer with a very 70's dance style, to Kelly (myfavorite) who is a woman dressed in a fetish costume. There is even"Kitty-N", who looks like a teenage version of cat woman. TheONLY 2 thing's wrong with this game are: 1.Pinky's stage and 2.All dancershave the same button combanations. For the music alone this game is worthpicking up. Bust A Groove 2: dance heaven mix is coming ............. and Iown the import! It is a wonderful game and you may wish to purchase it whenit arrives stateside ...... Although you should be warned that thisgame was edited when it was brought to the US just like Umjammer Lammy,still it's a great game and you really should get it. Music games are greatand you may also wish to try Dance Dance Revolution.

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