
Rhapsody, A Musical Adventure Review

Rhapsody, A Musical Adventure
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This lighthearted, charming RPG has lots of appeal for preteen and teenage girls because the main character is a sixteen-year-old girl named Cornet. The heroine of this story, Cornet dreams of meeting and falling in love with a handsome prince. One day in the woods, she is rescued from an evil witch's cronies by a young man who turns out to be Ferdinand, prince of the kingdom she lives in and heir to the throne. Ferdinand will soon turn eighteen, and is looking for a bride. He and Cornet soon begin to fall in love, but Ferdinand is then kidnapped by the evil witch. The rest of the game follows Cornet's quest to find and save Ferdinand. Although the game was rather short (it only took me ten hours to complete) it was just so fun that I didn't mind. The songs were really cute. I hope Atlus decides to bring the other two games in this series to America. I'd certainly buy them the day they came out. Rhapsody's no Final Fantasy, but it's definitley an enjoyable game that I'd highly reccomend.

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