
Half-Life 2: Episode One Review

Half-Life 2: Episode One
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I can't understand all of the criticism regarding the game's length vs. price, and its originality.Yes, HL: Episode One is a short game (4-7 hours, depending on how you play, whether you cheat, etc), but it costs less than half the price of a new game (even less than that on Amazon right now).This is a better game, both technologically and in terms of fun, than most full-priced games that are coming out.Why this obsession with game length?I'd rather have a terrific 6 hour game than a dull and tedious 15 hour game!

The GOOD: Graphics are even better than in HL2, they now use HDR lighting effects which look pretty cool.The gameplay is also more refined, with more creative logic puzzles, and better enemy AI.Your sidekick, Alyx, is one of the few computer companions that you actually care about, and she's smart and resilient (ie: doesn't walk into pillars all the time).The story is great fun, too.

The BAD: A couple of the puzzles can get annoying, such as the Antlion sections of level 3.The use of darkness and flashlight is atmospheric at first, but makes it feel like Doom 3 at times, and I don't mean that in a good way.And yes, it'd be great if the game were longer, but that's more a testament to the quality of the experience than a shortcoming!

The UGLY: Those Zombines... ugh.

Bottome Line:If you like HL2, this is a no-brainer.If you like a thinking man's shooter, this is for you as well.Recommended!

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Product Description:

In this episodic sequel (formerly known as "Aftermath"), players continue the groundbreaking story that came to an explosive halt at the conclusion of Half-Life 2. Players once again assume the role of Gordon Freeman and team up with sidekick Alyx Vance to flee the remnants of a nearly-destroyed City 17 and it's eerily-empty streets.The action begins quickly as the damage to the citadel has been done and Gordon and Alyx must lead the evacuation effort. Enemies previously un-attackable such as crab and mortar synths now stand in your path as you try to help Gordon and others escape the imminent citadel blast.Once again utilizing the Source technology and HDR lighting popularized by Half Life 2, Episode One aims to begin the tradition of episodic content for Half Life fans. Gamers can expect over six hours of game play while taking out enemies with the help of Alyx's pet robot dog.

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