
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow Review

Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
Average Reviews:

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Believe it or not, this is a great game and possibly one of the best action/adventure side scrollers to come out for the Super Nintendo.Most people won't recognize it or give it a chance because it's not a game thatyou hear a lot about and most people probably haven't even heard of it.Mylittle brother had the game at my mom's house once when i went over thereand I was bored and had beat most of the other games they had, so I putthis one in.Surprisingly, it had great gameplay in every way. The controland sound were good.The graphics were some of the best that I've everseen for the 16-bit systems and the levels and fast action were awesome. The creators of the game put a lot of original ideas into this game.Itranges from levels that are devoted to bungee jumping to water levels whereyou have to make Maui Mallard shoot his gun to propel himself through thelevel.It was a lot of fun while I was playing it, and still is every nowand then.
If you miss the good old days when action/adventure sidescrollers were at the top of the video game industry, or just want to addanother good one to your collection, this would be a good game to get.

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Product Description:
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow SNES game. As the detective Maui Mallard you're on the trail of a long lost Idol which has recently vanished.

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