
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Expansion Pack: Firestorm Review

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Expansion Pack: Firestorm
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When I bought Firestorm I was expecting a normal expansion pack - few new units, maps etc. But once I started playing I realized that there was much more to it than that.
The biggest improvment over Tiberian Sun isstory. The story is much more interesting and although the in game moviessuck it dosen't matter because most of the plot twists are in-game anyways.Special units have been created just for one part in the story, such as ahuge robot, which is a nice touch.
Although the music is being soldas faster paced and more like Red Alert it's pretty much more of the same.Graphics also don't change too much.
The new units are pretty coolbut the Reaper is the only one that I really liked, unfortunatly you canonly use it in Multiplayer. The new Juggernaut artilery unit is alright butit can't really aim that well and the Nod Art. unit is still superior in mymind.
All in all Firestorm makes Tiberian Sun a much better game andif you already have TS then by all means buy Firestorm.

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