
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness Review

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
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Real-time strategy game set in a fantasy universe. Set on a world called Argoth the game is based on a conflict between two forces of allied races, one side is led by humans and the other by orcs. Both magical and technologically-based weapons are incorporated. You can control either side. You play against the computer through a series of single-player missions or participate in multi-player games with up to seven other people (on-line, via modem, serial link or LAN). The gameplay involves resource management and large battles. The game has a lot of depth and numerous unit and building types feature. The game employs an easy-to-use interface and command menu. The game is played on an isometrically-viewed landscape that is rendered in detail, as are the various units which are 3D. Good cutscenes intersperse the single-player game.

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Jane's USNF'97 - U.S. Navy Fighters Review

Jane's USNF'97 - U.S. Navy Fighters
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If you enjoy PC based flight simulations you are sure to enjoy this one.This game features flight operations based on carrier take-offs and landings.This is a dated flight simulation that is still compatible with Windows XP.The graphics are fair to good compared to today's simulations such as Falcon Allied Force.Flight controls are good.You can never get used to the thrill of approaching the moving carrier for a landing...make sure to lower your tail hook!!!

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Product Description:
Jane's Combat Simulations presents the '97 version of the best selling slight sim. U.S. Navy Fighters '97 now features refined 3-5 shapes and terrain textures, multiplayer gaming, a native Windows 95 environment, and complete Jane's reference material on all USNF aircraft. This new, '97 edition covers an era of naval air combat by combining the original USNF, the Marine Fighers data disk, and the most requested feature - a Vietnam campaign. With 15 powerful aircraft at your command, including the F/A-18 Hornet, the Sea Harrier, and the venerable F-14 Tomcat, you'll be armed for 110 missions of the toughest air combat in modern history.

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Rampage 2: Universal Tour Review

Rampage 2: Universal Tour
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This game is better than Rampage, its better than Rampage 2 on playstation, its the best rampage game ever. It never gets boring, espessialy if you have 2 players, and you two can fight like cats and dogs,or work together. Buy this game

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Product Description:
Rampage 2: Universal Tour N64 game. Its more Rampage action and the premise remains the same: stomp outcities and wreck things in general.

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NFL Street 2 Review

NFL Street 2
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When EA Sports' BIG division released NFL Street as the football version of its hit NBA Street many gamers were impressed with how the game took street football to a new level of fun with style moves, sick dives and trash-talking that at times had you laughing too hard for your own good.The only problem with NFL Street was that at times you were pretty much eating the wall with your face whenever your opponent tackled you and you had no way to dodge it.

Well, that little problem has been thankfully resolved (to a point) in the long-awaited NFL Street 2.And as the old adage goes, "The more things change the more they stay the same".NFL Street 2 adds a few new surprises to the mix of 7-on-7 street ball while keeping a few things relatively untouched.As the promos say the game is played in the streets but now will be won in the air.

One of the new things added to Street 2 is the Wall moves.Now you can control your chosen player to run up the wall to either catch a ball, evade tacklers, or even throw some insane passes throughout the game that help you build up your team's game power meter.
Speaking of the meter, the GameBreaker has now been changed to become the GameBreaker 2 (the NFL version of NBA Street, Vol 2's Double GameBreaker).If and when the GB2 is activated it begins a sick looking play series that, depending on whether you are on offense or defense, wil make you harder to hit, be a harder hitter and cause major fumbles, or move fast as you carry the ball across the goalline.

Several new modes are added to NFL Street 2, including Crush the Carrier (basically a game of keepaway in which you score points for carrying the ball), Quick Strike (Score before your opponents do, then prevent them from scoring), 2 Minute Showdown (Score more touchdowns than your opponent within 2:00), Jump Ball (Catch passes being thrown to you and 2 other receivers to score points) and last but not least Own the City.

Own the City is the game's Story Mode in which you create a player then charge through the 5 sections of the city and complete the challenges in each section to build up the ultimate player to challenge in the NFL Challenge mode of the game.And of course for those that may have gotten the ability to do so over the holidays the game does have an Online play mode.

Now although this game had a street date (no pun intended) of Christmas Eve 2004, it came out with plenty of time to be the first of 3 Street games to be released in 2005 (NBA Street, Vol. 3 and FIFA Street being the other two).Needless to say if these game can rule the streets like the first 2 NBA Street games and now the 2 NFL Street games can, then EA Sports BIG can truly say that they run the Streets... this is until they decide to FINALLY make an NHL Street...now THAT would rule...

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Product Description:
Defy gravity and stretch your game to the skies with Tiburon's NFL Street 2. Receivers can now run off the walls, change passing lanes by running your QB up a building, and take advantage of eye-popping wall jukes and all-new hurdles. You better hold on to the ball because defenders fly across the field in ways never before seen in a football game. Players now descend on Bay City, an all-new persistent world to build their teams, their reps, and their battle plans one field at a time. Once you own the walls, you will own the city. Join pick-up games around the city and establish your reputation by recruiting talent from the neighborhoods you conquer as you begin your journey to become football's biggest street legend. The time to own the streets is now.

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Guilty Gear 2: Overture Review

Guilty Gear 2: Overture
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I have been a fan of GG for a long while and was exicted when I heard that the next game would be an action game, but sadly it falls short of my expectations. Don't get me wrong the game is not terrible it just gets repetitive. Most of the missons involve akind of "capture the base" where you and your enemy battle for control over "ghosts" and then once you've captured all the ghosts you must destroy the enemys "masterghost" which is their base. One thing that disappointed me was the lack of characters, the only ones from the original game series are Sol Badguy and Ky (but Ky is nonplayable) while the rest are newcomers. Also in the game are these things you can summon on the battlefield called "servents" which fight along side you, it kinda reminded me of Chaos Legion for PS2. Overall its a decent game if you're a fan of Guilty Gear if not you might want to look elsewere.

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Product Description:
In the far future, humanity succeeded in developing an endless energy called the divine power. But although they were able to obtain wisdom, mankind could not cast aside their foolishness. Tension among the major powers led to the creation of biological weapons that were based on that power - Gears.Justice, the only Gear able to command the legions of biological weapons, went berserk and declared war on all of humanity. That was the beginning of the worst war in history - The Crusades. In response, mankind formed an order of elite knights, and with their participation, Justice was defeated. With her fall, all Gears ceased to function and entered a dormant state. The long-lasted Crusades came to an end, and it seemed like mankind restored peace. However, true history has yet to reveal itself.

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Sunny Garcia Surfing Review

Sunny Garcia Surfing
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Ive been waiting for a good surfing game to come out for a lonng time. I got sick of all the skateboarding,snowboarding, and other boring sports [games] with so many different titles you couldnt find out whih one was really your favorite. So I picked this up. One of the best ways I have ever spent my 50 bucks. Very realistic, great graphics, great characters, great gameplay, great sound, and great music. All I can say is that if you have no idea what game you want and you have 50 bucks saved up, you might wanna check this out.

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Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro Review

Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
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This is a great game, but I'm not just going to say it's great and you should go out and buy it. That really doesn't tell you anything about the game itself. It's got training levels which has Rouge and Proffesser X training you. Beast is in the first level, telling you about the items and some old and new things. It is narrated by Stan Lee. The Levels aren't as easy as they were in Spiderman 1, and some peopl would say that's good, others would say that's bad. The Bosses are also a bit harder, and most of them have a special tactique to beat them, which some people will like, and others won't. The Bosses are Shocker, Sandman, Hammerhead, the Lizard, Electro, and Hyper Electro, who is exclusive to the game. Normally I wouldn't have told you the name and just said a new character will appear, but someone else will later tell you in their review, so what's the point? There are a variety of levels, including a lab, a museam, A warehouse, and ofcourse New york(I think). The controlls are the same as the first Spidey game, and the music not much different. The graphics are a bit better. Plenty of the peoples mouths still don't move. really only characters with big mouths have their mouth moving. I'm pretty sur that there aren't any like that in thi game, so it's bassically sound coming from nowhere. You can still tell who's talking though. Also, plenty of the Villains from Spidey 1, make a camo. Comic covers and new suits are also in this game, along with Newspaper headlines wich vary depending on whether you won or lost. Also Parkers Portfolio. Pictures of Spidey versing the Bosses(Art work not a screen shot). To get them all you have to beat the game in every mode. Also the Thugs don't say much but "Your swinging days are over" or "You're dead good doer". I don't think that's a word but yopu should be able to ignore that(Or not).
All in all a great game and a must have for anyone, not just Spidey fans.

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Product Description:
The city is at risk, and only you can save it from the evil clutches of an old enemy: the powerful Electro. He has a mysterious new device that will make his million volts of destruction even more deadly. But, with Spider-Man on the job, Electro is in for the shock of his life.

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ToeJam & Earl Review

ToeJam & Earl
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Though it rarely gets the attention it deserves, Toejam and Earl is positively the best game I've played for Genises. The graphics, though of course nothing like modern graphics, still hold up well. but the game play and the characters are what make it great. the two are aliens from funkotron, a very funky planet far away. however, earl crashes into an asteroid, and as fate would have it, they crash land on the most insane planet in the universe- earth. your job is to navigate them through different levels with roads, ponds, and islands in the middle of space picking up presents (power-ups) in order to find pieces of your spaceship and then the elevater up to the next level. the game is best played with two players, which is what the creators had in mind when making the game (go to their site, www.tjande.com to read up on them). anyway, the two-player mode is even more fun, and the split screen works surprisingly well. also, as i mentioned, the characters are hilariously, from the chickens with mortars to the herd of nerds to the wiseman in the carrot suit. if you have a genises, buy this game. best of all, everything is randomly generated, so it never gets old!

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Neighbors from Hell Review

Neighbors from Hell
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I got this game at EB Games thinking it was going to be awful.I started playing it, and I actually liked it!The basic idea is that you are on a reality TV show, where the goal is to make your neighbor as mad as possible.In order to do that, you play tricks on him - like drawing all over his mom's portrait with a black marker, cutting his favorite chair in half, switching out his hard candy with bath beads, etc.When he finds out, he gets super mad!And if you manage to pull several tricks in a row, you get extra points.If you get caught, he beats you up pretty bad. :D
The game runs well, I never had any issues when I was installing or playing it.The only thing I didn't like about the game is that I beat it about 2 1/2 hours.There are only about a dozen scenarios to do, and each has a timer of about 5 minutes.Also, I would have liked to see more variety in tricks - by the last few scenarios I knew every single trick and it was just a matter of strategizing on what order I wanted to pull them off in to get the maximum amount of points.
Overall - decent game, but way too short. :)

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Product Description:
Platform:WINDOWS 95/98/ME/2000/XPPublisher:ENCOREPackaging:RETAIL BOXRating:TEENNeighbors From Hell is a comical game of practical jokes presented as a spoof of "reality" television shows. Players view a cross-section of a residential building where their character lives with a neighbor. Throughout the game's 14 episodes the main goal is to sneak into different rooms and booby-trap everyday items that the neighbor might use causing him to fall for one dirty trick after another.Each time the neighbor is caught in one of the player's traps a simulated studio audience will guffaw and applaud with approval. The better the sneaky trick the louder the audience will cheer. If the player's character is ever caught in the act of setting one of these traps however there will be heck to pay. Neighbors From Hell features cartoonish 3D characters and apartment building settings in line with its lighthearted slapstick objectives.Features:14 hugely varied episodes of anarchyUse stealth skill and style to perform the perfect ambushEasy to use interface and controlsSuperb cartoon-style graphicsExcellent soundtrackSystem Requirements:Windows XP/ME/2000128 MB RAMIntel Pentium II 266 MHzDirectX 8 compatible graphics card16 MB RAMDirectX 8-compatible soundcard130 MB free HD4x CD-ROM

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Think Like a King Chess Workout Family Package Review

Think Like a King Chess Workout Family Package
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Hello, a hoax has just been pulled either by AMAZON.COM on us or by CHESS CENTRAL on AMAZON.COM.

First, none of the reviews relate to the actual product "Think Like a King Chess Workout Family Package".All of these reviews are reviews on another chess product- Convetka's "CT ART 3.0".
CT-ART 3.0

I recognize this because I own both pcs of software.Actually, the review by the "GAMESMAN" is an absolute schill. This fellow actually describes the "CT ART 3.0" product using the "Think Like a King" verbage like 'workouts' etc.That's a real shame.

Now I will discuss the product "Think Like a King".It is strictly a scholastic teaching pc of software.It is basically an interactive E-book reader.The graphical interface opens 1 of 7 E-books, the 'workouts'.The graphical interface shows a board and a chess position; the text is on the right describing the subject, such as 'en prise' and the problem on the board.The user follows the directions of the text and often gets to make a move on the board.

This is not a Michael Dela Maza style tactics drill software like CT ART 3.0 is.It is a beginners introducutory course on chess which focuses on tactical elements.There are series of 10-20 chess problems for the user to answer at the end of each chapter (or lesson) in the books.It's a fine pc of software for a child.Please go to [...] to find out about the product.

I don't want to tear the product down, but AMAZON and/or Chess Central is engaing in false advertising here.It's a shame because myself and many others use these reviews as a guide for purchasing products.

AMAZON.COM please fix this!!!!Chess Central has made a mistake (or a deceptive calculation) AMAZON Pull the previous reviews from this product now.

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Product Description:
First Lessons in Chess - a perfect way for reading-aged children grade 3 and up (or their parents!) to get started in chess. First Lessons is for players new to chess, whether young or old. Covering all the basic rules and moves, including chess notation, opening strategy, tactics and common endgame scenarios, this introduction to the Think Like A King learning series contains dozens of animations, challenges and 165 interactive chess puzzles that make learning a snap. Tactical Thinking-Master basic tactical concepts with an interactive tutorial designed to help players recognize strategic and tactical opportunities. From Pins to Forks and Skewers, Undermining to Overworking, basic tactical thinking is clearly defined and demonstrated via interactive puzzles. Simple text explanations and minimal reliance on chess notation make this a perfect teaching tool for beginning students. Checkmate Thinking -apply the tactical lessons learned above and add the next level of thinking (pattern recognition and combination attacks) to pursue the ultimate goal of Checkmate. Over 300 interactive checkmate problems that transform beginners into real chess thinkers!Endgame Thinking - Everything may come down to the Endgame, and here's where beginners have the most trouble. A course on the science of the end of the game, endings where clear thinking and careful play are critical. Learn the tactics of Pawn Promotion and the rules that let you create a winning position - or prevent your opponent from gaining one! Opening Thinking - a truly unique learning tool that explores the why and not just the how of opening play. Covering the common openings and variants, with Traps, Zaps and more.

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BTC 9019URF Wireless Multimedia USB Keyboard w/ Dual Mode Joystick Mouse Review

BTC 9019URF Wireless Multimedia USB Keyboard w/ Dual Mode Joystick Mouse
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This will not be your deskop keyboard replacement, there are much better (although more expensive) options for that.To control the PC in your living room, however, the one that you have connected to your TV to watch all those torrents on a large screen while mindlessly reclining in your lazy-boy there is simply no better option.
First there is the pointing device: obviously mice don't have a place in the coach, and trackballs and touchpads have to be "cranked" a number of times in order to get the pointer from one end of the screen to the other; with a joystick it is just a matter of pushing once and letting the device do its thing until you reach the desired icon or widget.Then there is the keyboard: you need something reasonably comfortable to enter URLs and search terms, type the occasional credit card number or answer your email, but you probably won't try to do word-processing, 3D-modelling or serious video gaming in-between your video clips.And last, but not least, there is wireless: unlike products from software monopolists become hardware ergonomists, this keyboard will actually connect from your lap to its base on the stereo rack 8 or so feet away.As a bonus, the packaging looks and feels sturdy enough (but I haven't subjected it to the kids-and-dog sress test) and the multimedia keys work with iTunes in my Mac ... Can't beat all that convenience anywhere else at that low price point!

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Product Description:
Specification Mfr Part Number: BTC 9019URF Features: Special Combine Joystick and Mouse Function, User friendly Control for Most PC Game Instant Access Internet and Multimedia Hot Keys Long Wireless Distance & Easy Launch Space-saving Layout System Requirement: USB spec. 1.1 or it's compatible Available USB port Microsoft Windows 98/ ME/ 2000/ XP operating system Microsoft Office 97 or later version (For Office Application keys and Enhanced Function keys) Standard sound card (for CD and Video operating) The system supporting ACPI or APM II (for power management buttons) ATX mother board and ATX power supply (for power management buttons) Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 later version (for Internet keys) Keyboard: Key Numbers: 87 Switch Activation Mechanism: Membrane Travel Distance: 3.5

NES Advantage Joystick Review

NES Advantage Joystick
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The NES advantage was great... All the cool kids had them. And unlike some of the awful accessories Nintendo would unleash on us kids like the Power Glove, the advantage was actually a good, solidly made peripheral. It brought home the feel of the arcade like never before, and for those willing to get used to it (or already were used to it, due to rigorous arcade playing), it offered a level of precision unmatched by a standard controller. There are plenty of games that are best played with a classic NES controller, but there were also a great many that made you glad to have the Advantage handy. It even had turbo switches, which back in the NES days were a necessity for some games. If you had an NES, you wanted an Advantage arcade stick!

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Product Description:
Play your NES games just like a old school gamer! Has a double pronged plug that fits into your NES system for a classic feel to your NES playing experience! With turbo dials for extreme game play!

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Warlords Battlecry II Review

Warlords Battlecry II
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Warlods Battlecry II (Ubisoft, 2002?)
Warlords Battelcry II was recently damned with faint praise in the pages of Computer Gaming World as "the best realtime strategy game completely ignored by the public." Having now been caught in its grip for weeks, barely coming up for food and sleep, I'd have to agree.
Much of the problem, I think, lies with the game's demo, which gives prospective players no idea how the game actually works (the demo contains the tutorial encompassed within the purchased product to teach you how to do such things as move and build, but doesn't get into the game's strategy aspect-- which is what makes it so engrossing), and to top it off must be run with the game's most annoying character, the barbarian hero. After finding myself totally hooked on Warlords Battlecry for a few weeks after getting it free(!) from Computer Gaming World last year, I downloaded the WBC2 demo. About three minutes into it, I remember having downloaded it just after its release and finding it eminently forgettable; the strength of the first game caused me to pick up a cheap copy of this one when I found it at Half Price Books. It's the best videogame investment I've made since getting my hands on a copy of Lords of Magic back in 1997.
Twelve different races with a bunch more class/specialty combinations, loads of hero customizing, the occasional random map, and your ability (within limits) to define the strengths and weaknesses of your whole army as you go along make the game almost endlessly replayable You're liable to lose your first few heroes fast and furious when you start out, but once you get the hang of playing any given side (and the strategies for best using each are radically different from side to side, for various reasons), you can stop concentrating on just keeping your skull in one piece and start working on the more subtle aspects of offing the other guy before he overruns you.
Wonderful, and highly recommended. ****

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This software is BRAND NEW. Packaging may differ slightly from the stock photo above. Please click on our logo above to see over 15,000 titles in stock.

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Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Review

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
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Nocturne is one of the most interesting (both plot and gameplay-wise) RPGs I have ever played.Having borrowed a successful monster collecting formula from Pokemon, and a plot line out of a horror movie, this game definitely monopolized my attention over some other recent RPGs.

Nocturne introduces the players into a strange post-apocalypse world where the hero becomes a demon after the rest of the world is destroyed.There are no princesses to save here, nor are you some do-gooder so typical of other RPGs.Basically you are trying to survive in a world full of demons, and you get to choose your own destiny.Most of the choices are pretty dark though.

Gameplay-wise Nocturne is a lot like Pokemon, but taken to the next level.The hero starts off alone and must recruit other demons as allies.The hero's party can either talk/bribe/kidnap demons to join, or to use a system called "fusion" which allows the player to fuse two or three demons together so to create a brand new demon.There are around 180 demons total in this game, seperated into multiple classes and levels.There are also around 100 (very rough guess) different attacks/skills here shared by these demons.When you fuse demons, you can randomly combine different skills of the parent demons.Of course, the gimmick here is that you can only keep up to 8 demons, and for each demon you can keep only 8 different attacks/spells.

Understanding of different attacks and spells make up bulk of the strategy here.Attacks are divided into phyical, fire/ice/lighting/wind elemental, curse/mind, and light/dark magical types.In addition you have stat buffing/debuffing spells.Since most of the enemies you fight against will have certain weaknesses, finding a weakness will not only allow the player to do more damage, but it will also allows the player to attack an extra turn.This mechanism means that even if the player's demons are leveled up high, the player can still easily lose to low level demons if the demon lineups are wrong.Having said this, it's very difficult to beat this game without dying many times, since you wouldn't know what to expect from most demons/bosses the first time.

Graphic-wise this game is Cell-shaded (reminds me of the game Breath of Fire V dragon quarters), and very stylish in terms of character designs.The overhead world is a bit blend though.Unlikely Final Fantasy you wont see 2 mintue summons or outlandish spells when you fight enemies and the attacks are mostly unspectular.Nothing too good or bad in this department.

The music for this game is very good if you can stand heavy metal/industrial.I actually like most of the pieces alot.The sound is fairly crisp.When you destroy some enemies they will moan, while others just simply disappear.Nothing too impressive here either.

My biggest complaint about this game is the naming convention used in this game.The monsters' names are mostly confusing and there are no numbers IDs assigned to each monster.This makes fusing a bit confusing/difficult for beginners.It's not too bad though if you get used to it.

Last but not the least, this game is definitely not for kids.The demons in this game do not only swear and use the F-word on a regular basis, this game also has many occult references which will certainly offend most religious fanatics.The Demons include Christian Biblical figures, far east deities, and various mythological creatures.This game's story line features alot of philosophical mumbo jumbo which will be difficult to understand to some, and possibly to be considered satanic to those who do understand.

This game will take a while to finish.Probably 50-60 hours the first time through, and alot more if you are planning to collect all of the demons in the game.Overall I recommend this to any RPG fan who are not too religious or easily offended.

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Product Description:
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is a continuation of the popular role-playing series, set in our modern world. It's an average day, as a typical Japanese high school student goes to the hospital, for a visit with his sick teacher. While on the train, he gets a mysterious vision that the Apocalypse is coming. Arriving at the hospital, the boy is sucked into a Vortex Field, into a dark mirror-image of his world. When he learns our world is ending to make room for this new one, he'll do what he can to get back home and (hopefully) stop the Apocalypse.

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USB-EXP USB to USB Mode ExpressCard Host Adapter for 3G AirCard ExpressCard AT&T Cingular Sprint Verizon Kyocera Marlin Novatel Sierra Wireless Review

USB-EXP USB to USB Mode ExpressCard Host Adapter for 3G AirCard ExpressCard AT&T Cingular Sprint Verizon Kyocera Marlin Novatel Sierra Wireless
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Does not work with GT Option Ultra Express card with MacBook Pro and 3G ATT service.
Still can't reallytell if the title/description was stating that it would work or not work with this card, but in any case, it does not.It was worth a try, as now the MacBook Pro 15" do not have the Express card slots.

Time to get a new 3G modem.

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Product Description:
NOTE: The DEVICE WILL NOT WORK WITH any ExpressCard using the PCI Express (PCIe) portion of the ExpressCard standard. This is the majority of ExpressCards that do any other than the devices discussed above. Any real host adapter for SATA, FireWire, Ethernet, USB 2.0, etc. WILL NOT WORK WITH the EXP-USB USB 2.0 to USB 2.0 Mode ExpressCard 34 / 54 Host Adapter. The EXP-USB USB 2.0 to USB 2.0 Mode ExpressCard Adapter allows use of USB based ExpressCards with USB 2.0 equipped computers. USB mode ExpressCards include: Novatel Wireless Merlin ExpressCards (XU870, EX720, V740), storage media ExpressCards The EXP-USB USB 2.0 to USB 2.0 Mode ExpressCard 34 | 54 Host Adapter provides 5V and should provide more than enough power to ExpressCards when plugged into a 500mA USB 2.0 port. Use with 300mA USB 2.0 ports is not recommended and may not provide sufficient current for certain ExpressCard applications. Using USB 2.0 technology, the device supports high speed applications including HSDPA and HSUPA ExpressCards. The EXP-USB USB 2.0 to USB 2.0 Mode ExpressCard Host Adapter is very small and lightweight, providing excellent portability.

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Disciples Rise of the Elves Gold Review

Disciples Rise of  the Elves Gold
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This game although only boasts unique 2d graphics, offers much compensation in it's gameplay. The story is interesting as well. It is a turn-based game, but my only complaint is it needs more content. (I mean this is the expansion pack! I played the original and this expansion pack in about 30-40 hours.) It also comes with a construction set, to make your own maps and set your own quests... but it takes some time to get the hang of.

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Product Description:
Disciples Rise of the Elves has expanded further with Disciples II- Rise of the Elves Gold version. This version features all of the campaigns found in the original and a brand new campaign that continues the storyline of the Elven race. It also includes 14 new skirmish maps to test and hone gamers' skills.

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Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Review

Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
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Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko is about a gecko that's trying to rescue his secret agent Xtra, who was mysteriously kidnapped. It's up to Gex to go through many different levels in different worlds, using a variety of coolcostumes and disguises, such as "Count DracuGex", a vampire thatglides, "Sherlock Gex", a detective, "Scuba Gex", adiver, and a lot more. There are levels that are: an army base, a giantfairytale beanstalk, a snowy Christmas town, the Parthenon, an Egyptiantemple, a "Clue" mansion, and a whole lot more. This is thecoolest Nintendo 64 adventure game, according to my opinion. Next time youbuy a game, pick Gex 3!

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Product Description:
GEX 3: Deep Cover Gecko for the Nintendo 64 is a 3D game that features the popular secret agent Gex in even more outrageous situations. This time, Gex must save his fellow agent X-Tra from his nemesis Rez. To accomplish this, he must collect remote controls from each world, thereby opening up new levels. The game contains many features that help separate it from most other platformers, though. One is the appearance of comedian Dana Gould as the voice of Gex. Throughout the game, he spouts humorous one-liners, adding to the feeling of interactivity. Also, each level follows a different television related theme that many gamers will instantly recognize. Gex can also gain numerous abilities that are based on these levels, making each one play differently from the last. GEX 3: Deep Cover Gecko takes the familiar platform game formula and adds enough unique twists to make it distinctively different from every other game on the market.

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