
Magic The Gathering: Duels Of The Planeswalkers Review

Magic The Gathering: Duels Of The Planeswalkers
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This game is excellent for those just getting into the world of MTG. It teaches all the basics of gameplay, and gives detailed statistics of your decks as you build them. However, it uses 4th edition cards and only the expansions from so long ago. I was hoping to make decks in the game matching those I use in real life, and was entirely disappointed. Also, the concept of rare cards is defeated in this game. It's fun to pass the time away, but not everything I hoped it to be. I was not able to get it to run on windows 2000 professional, or windows xp, so if you run on those systems beware. A final note when playing against other people. The game has some bugs dealing with anything except lan(local area networks). myself and my friends could not get the modem gaming to work.

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