
Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix Review

Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix
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I bought this game while shopping for a more modern tactical shooter.I'm and ex Counter-Strike junkie and I've played Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Medal of Honor:Allied Assault and quite frankly I'm a bit sick of the current trends in online gaming as well as the community in general.I was looking for something with a lot more single-player replay value.
I'm sure by now everyone knows a little bit about SoF2 so I'll omit the overview and get straight to the point.This is basically just another Q3A mod with more blood and gore.Like RTCW and MOHAA, the graphics are good and technology seems sound, but for such a latecommer I believe it's reasonable to have expected a bit more.
The single-player campaign is your typical linear shooter.Run around, do these things in order, pick up more weapons, etc....The story itself is terrible - think Max Payne meets the A-Team.There were some great ideas mixed in, and I really appreciated the more modern military feel, but by now we're all getting a bit tired of the same format.The random mission generator looks appealing, and was a major factor in the decision to buy this game, but it becomes redundant far too easily.If you intend on purchasing this game only for the single-player features, I would strongly recommend some serious comparison shopping before putting the money down.
As previously stated, I'm not much of an online gaming fan, but I felt it was necessary to give the MP games a chance before writing this review.To my surprise, MP is pretty darn fun!It supports the usual team-oriented games (CTF, TDM, etc...), and doesn't add anything revolutionary to the mix, but the combination of the modern weapons and outdoor themes really made this a blast.Compared to what's currently out there, SoF2 does the best job in mixing action with simulated warfare.Unfortunately, the Q3A "feel" or the game is still there.The damage system is a bit too forgiving, and I don't know how anyone could jump around with 80lbs of gear on their backs, but I guess this is the way people like it.If you're a big fan of Half-Life and Quake mods, you'll feel right at home with this.Counter-Strike fans will probably consider it on the goofy side of the spectrum, but I think they should still give it a chance.
Of course, my biggest gripe with most of the online shooters is this:Even the best laid plans and teamwork can be spoiled in a heartbeat by some rambo running around with a grenade launcher.
Anyways, SoF2 is a shining example of modern game technology that's just starting to become dated. It can easily be worth the price tag, but I fear that in less than 2 months it will take it's place on the shelf next to the other Q3A-driven games and collect dust.Not the tactical shooter I was looking for, but I'm glad I had a chance to play it.

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Yourmission: Race around the globe to neutralize the terrorists before the plague is unleashed on humanity.

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