
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Review

Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense
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I bought this game used for my Playstation 2 and was almost instantly glad that I did.It is very fun and addictive, especially with a friend.There are many creative characters and vehicles, and each one has its own special weapon and special traits.The graphics are very good too, better than a lot of other PS1 games.There are cool weapons and fun secret areas such as in one level a lighthouse that will shoot you up into the air to shoot and those still on the ground and to land right near them.There are also many cool features like the ability to hover.The only thing bad that I have to say about it is the ability to unlock new cars/characters.It is very difficult and I had a lot of trouble figuring it out.Which is too bad because there are many, many different vehicles from busses to rocket cars to motor cycles.Overall it is a very good game though, and the good parts of the game definately overpower the one flaw.

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Product Description:
The Future of Blowing $#!% Up is Here. 8 New Destructible Arenas with Hidden Powerups. Cool game!!!

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