
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness Review

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
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Real-time strategy game set in a fantasy universe. Set on a world called Argoth the game is based on a conflict between two forces of allied races, one side is led by humans and the other by orcs. Both magical and technologically-based weapons are incorporated. You can control either side. You play against the computer through a series of single-player missions or participate in multi-player games with up to seven other people (on-line, via modem, serial link or LAN). The gameplay involves resource management and large battles. The game has a lot of depth and numerous unit and building types feature. The game employs an easy-to-use interface and command menu. The game is played on an isometrically-viewed landscape that is rendered in detail, as are the various units which are 3D. Good cutscenes intersperse the single-player game.

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