
Real War: Air, Land & Sea - XP Compatible (Jewel Case) Review

Real War: Air, Land & Sea - XP Compatible
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Like PC Strategy War games?
Buy CD for Real War or Rouge States at www.amazon.com, both for [...] bucks used or new.Air, Land, Sea, Nukes, Cruise Missiles and Special forces.
No resource micro management to waste time, all time spent is game play.

Rouge States is the 2nd generation game.It came out 3 years later, bugs were fixed. No patches required.
New weapons were added. Laser Rail Gun, Stealth B2 Bomber. Full supplies can be pre-set to allow you build base immediately.In 2v 2 or 3v3 games allies can team up and see each others base.

Real War is the original game. It came out in 1999. Real War loads faster and has less game lag. It requires a patches that fixed bugs. I.6 and the 1.5e Enhancement pack that has more maps.You can deal with later if you decide to get it too.

The four files you need in your Real War game folder are:
RealWar 1,164 KB Application (Installed by your game disc, it creates the Real War folder).
rwclient 1,164 KB Application (Installed by your game disc).
rw15e 5,600 KB Application - Downloadfrom GameSpy and install. Place in Real War folder.
rw16 2,043KB Application - Download from GameSpy and install. Place in Real War folder.


Do you have a Firewall on? If so, you will have to permit Gamespy, GameRanger and games access. Do you have Windows XP, Service Pack 2? Try this. Go to Start...Control Panel...Windows Firewall...on the Exceptions tab...permit Gamespy, Rouge States and/or Real war access by checking the boxes. If one or more are not in the Programs and services list select Add Program button below. Browse your C: drive till you find it and add it.

REAL WAR /ROUGE STATES GAME TIPS......apply to both games
Maximize you supply capacity ASAP in this manner.
1. Build 3 supply bases a three generators to start. Generators speed building.
2. Build Land Command center and a couple more generators.
3. Build Vehicle Yard and Infantry base.
4. Build Land Strategy Center. Turns on options in other bases.
5. Select upgrade for all 3 supply bases.
6. Build complete Air Strip and upgrade its supply.
7. Build complete Sea Base and upgrade its supply.
8. Build defense and attack forces in balanced manner. Give air defense a priority.
9. Attack in waves and start attacking early! Rebuild lost forces of one type while you attack with another type. Dont sit a watch, it wastes time.
10. Select offensive units and and hold down shift key you select targets one after the other to attack, then right click to finish. With aircraft select targets a bit farther apart so they do not half to circle and come back and attack. A spiral attack pattern hitting every other target allows planes to proceed in straighter line and gives them time to recharge before they can fire again. That also makes anti-air defense have to chase to shoot them down.
11. Build a Special Operations base, that permits a Nuke Silo to be built. Each time a Nuke is used the next one is approximately 15% stronger. The 6th nuke will be devastating. Target units or buildings away from air defense units to build the force progression in the monster nuke. Nukes shot down will not help you achieve this.
12. Lead nuke attack with air strike with fighter bombers. They have ATG missiles that overload anti-air defense units ability to target nuke.
13. Nuke defense. Create several mixed task forces of helicopters, fighters, and ground anti-air units and patrol them over the edge of your base on a line with the enemy base. When nuke is launched move zoom window over it and with task force selected pick nuke directly to attack. You will hear a chunk sound when it is selected. That way even if it is screened with escort aircraft you can still shoot it down. The layered structure of a nuke defense task force will have better chance even if some parts of it are destroyed by an enemy lead attack force. Create several nuke defense task forces for a better chance of success.
14. Rangers, Seals and ILA Guerillas slipped behind enemy defenses can be used to sabotage bases and blow them up.
15. Patrol In Location. Select unit(s) to patrol a path. Select Patrol In Location key. Hold down Shift key while picking boundary points for unit(s) to patrol. Then release Shift key and pick any point on the map to complete. Unit(s) will go to starting point and begin patrol action. This is very effective to make air defense ground units difficult to hit with cruise missiles. A mine layer or anti submarine helicopter may be programed to lay mines or sonar sensors in a prescribed path.
16-A(for Asshole play). To piss off your opponent and risk him NEVER wanting to play you again use a RUSH attack. Build a full task force of ATG attack aircraft. As soon as they appear send one each to 2 of the 3 possible locations where your opponent can be. Send the rest, as soon as they appear, to the center of the map. When the enemy base is found, by process of elimination, attack immediately, taking out the few critical anti-air units and base components that have been built. Game can be won in a few minutes in the first couple passes by your planes against an unprepared player.
16-B(for Better play). Make efforts to encourage new players so more will want to play. So at start of game ask, Rush? or No Rush? Play defense and allow them to attack. Of course you will have a 2nd base built by then anyway so why not? Share info like Im doing.
17. Do you know how to use Hot Keys? Master these!! Allows you to build faster. You can build a unit using alt+ a hot key. Using your Headquarters, Alt Q builds a generator, Alt W builds a Supply Base. Use keys QWERT 1st row in building menu, ASDFG 2nd row in building menu and ZXCVB 3rd row in building menu. Each base has Hot Keys associated with it. Discover them all in a practice game.
18. Know how to use Task Forces? Master this too!! Select forces to group first. One way to build an air strike force fast is to select one Helicopter then press the Insert key. That will allow all units of that type visible on the screen to be picked at once. Then Press Ctrl, Shift and a number key, say 3 for example, all at the same time. Every time 3 is pressed the Helicopter Task Force will be selected to attack or defend with.
19. When attacking, hold the shift key down to select successive targets. This is good when using Navy seals to sabotage the enemy fleet, or when attacking by air.
20. Putting rocket infantry into bunkers helps to repel enemy tanks and ground troops. Groups of three rocket infantry can target and bring down enemy aircraft.
21. Use your sub hunter to drop sonar around your naval base, to detect enemy submarines before they attack. This allows you to counter-attack them by dropping sonar guided topedos from the sub hunter.
22. Bases or critical units weakened by attack? Hover cursor over the base or unit, select the K key to kill the base or unit yourself. Then rebuild it in a more protected area.
23. Rally points, red ovals were new units appear, can be moved to any visible part of the map. For example, click on Sea Base. Rally point will appear. Hold down shift key and use cursor to drag red oval to new location at sea.
24. Hot Keys, Task Forces and Patrol In Location of your Air Defence units are what you need to master.
25. Watch your back door or some SOB will land a invasion force behind you.
26. Attack!

Known game play problems.
Real War - Cruise missiles fired in multiple salvos from three or more ships can lock up the game if fired to quickly, like every half second. So fire slower every 4 seconds and you should be ok. Two ships can fire quicker every 2 seconds but dont push it. A lot of base building is wasted when the game locks up and you have to start over.This is not a problem with RougeStaes.
If game locks up, your done. Bail out by pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys all at once and your PC Task Manager will come up. Select the Real War process that is Not Responding and end it. It will take a few seconds for it to close. Re-enter Real War as usual and try again.
Combat Engineer Repair function does not work in On-line multi-player games in Real War, only in single player scrimmage mode.Combat Engineer Repair function does work in On-line multi-player games in Rouge States.That bug was fixed.
Hitting the Windows key by accident will cause the game to pause. Screen will go black and minimize to menu bar. Just hit it again and game will resume. Fat fingers is the cause.
Game Lag. When 3 or more players are in a game and 100 units apiece are nearly all built by all the players the game will freeze on the screen at times from 2 to 20 seconds. You just have to wait it out. Or all exit restart the game and host can limit each player to 75 units apiece. That will help.
Check your PC from time to time to see if it needs to be Defragmented and disc space compressed to clear up disc space.Do not select COMPACT FILES.That is only for archive files to save disc space.Do it to your game files or hard drive and you are screwed.Everything will run slower.
If the system is working slowly, action may freeze on the screen. Before the next restart all players should go to the options menu, or press the F1 shortcut key, and change settings to 640X480 resolution, while making sure that the following options are turned off:
a. 3D Shadows
b. 3D Acceleration
c. Ocean Waves
d. Fog of War
Single player Cheat Mode.
Does not work ON-LINE!I tried.It works only in scrimmage games, single player.
While playing, press the following keys to activate these cheats:
Full Supplies - Hold CTRL + LEFT ARROW + F9 then press S
No Fog - Hold CTRL + RIGHT ARROW then press F

One free one offered for RW and another for RS.Get those first, no bugs. I have them and more.


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Product Description:
A real-time strategy game in which you command today's armed forces. Terrorist forces are threatening the free world, and the only power capable of stopping them is the U.S. military. The outcome is uncertain, but as history has shown, leadership matters. You control the balance of power. Choose your side, marshal your forces, and make real war upon your enemy. Based on the official Joint Chiefs of Staff training game developed for the U.S. military, Real War uses real-world scenarios, allowing you to play as the current U.S. military or as a terrorist army extrapolated from actual terrorist forces. All jets, ships, and ground vehicles are taken directly from today's military. You can also get your hands on a few special items right off the Pentagon's drawing boards. Real War delivers a stunning one-two punch of 3-D vehicles--with their realistic movement--against the backdrop of a richly detailed 2-D world, with jungle, desert, and arctic environments.

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