
Walt Disney World Quest Magical Racing Tour Review

Walt Disney World Quest Magical Racing Tour
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This little game exceeded all of my expectations and then some.For any fan of Walt Disney World, this is paradise!Each race track is base on an area of the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, and the environments are simply outstanding.I found myself enjoying watching my wife play the game so I could watch the scenery without worrying about having to drive!!!
You will smile and laugh throughout the entire game as familiar landmarks stream by you while you race various vehicles (you drive a Doom Buggy through the Haunted Mansion).It is also worth mentioning that the soundtracks that accompany each race track are pulled from their respective attractions which can be really funny.This game will bring back memories of all of your trips to Disney.The gameplay is excellent as you will need to complete many different tasks to complete the game.I've waited a long time for the release of this game, and it was worth it.Tremendous fun.

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Product Description:
The delight of Dinsey World's theme parks and water parks are the background as you race on speedways based on thrilling Disney attractions!Ages 6 & up

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Nintendo Ds Lite Clear Crystal Hard Case NDS Case Review

Nintendo Ds Lite Clear Crystal Hard Case NDS Case
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I bought a Nintendo DS character case and stylus for my 5-1/2 yr old son and also bought this clear Nintendo DS cover for it.The clear cover fits the DS unit very nicely, it is easy to attach (2 separate pieces) and still fits in the character cloth case we purchased.It can remain on while charging too, as there is a slot where the outlet plug would go.The DS unit has been dropped while this hard clear case was on it, and the cover protected the corners of the DS.The cover did slightly pop off an edge, but it still protected the unit and one "click" and it was back on.Since the cover snaps on to the top and bottom separately, it still allows the unit to be opened for use.

I don't see a problem with this case being durable or lasting.Seems pretty good, so far, for the money.

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Lost Odyssey Review

Lost Odyssey
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One prominent feature of JRPGs is the emo male protagonist.Only a handful of games break this mold.One such game would be Lunar: Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue.While Lunar held to the same themes as most JRPGs by discussing the importance of friendship, the battle of Good versus Evil, it maintained a general sense of joviality.Even when things inevitably went dark, the characters kept their happy-go-lucky attitude.

Lost Odyssey is the antithesis of Lunar.

Kaim is your typical tortured soul protagonist, except that, unlike most others who write bad poetry while metaphorically slitting their wrists and bemoaning their wretched life, he actually has a reason to be.He's an immortal, apparently cursed to live forever and has already lived 1,000 years.So, when the game begins with a climactic battle involving a meteor, he's had many lifetimes of sorrow, guilt, death and tragedy that would obviously make anyone's existence incredibly dour.If you're a sucker for sad stories, Kaim's tale will undoubtably tug at your heart strings.

Basically, two stories are going on at once in Lost Odyssey.There's the current story that I'll get to in a bit.There's also the back story that comes flitting through in written form every once in awhile.You see, Kaim suffers from another JRPG staple: the amnesiac hero.He, and other immortals like him, don't remember much about their past for some reason.And so, as Kaim continues his quest, events will trigger memories and you have the option of reading them.These little vignettes are written by Kiyoshi Shigematsu, an award-winning Japanese novelist, and it shows.

These 34 stories, in fact, often overshadow the main story line.The main quest involves discovering why Kaim and the other immortals are amnesiac and they quickly become embroiled in a political landscape more polarizing than the current times we live in.A few different countries eye each other ominously and one of the main points of contention comes down to technology and magic.Add in some political backstabbing and enough emotional baggage to sink the Titanic and you basically have the very interesting and mature story in a nutshell.

The combat is typical JRPG; turn-based and random.Eschewing their previous game's encounter system (Blue Dragon), Lost Odyssey has plenty of random encounters.Fortunately, with the exception of a few areas, the encounters aren't as frequent as they have been in some games.A couple additions to the combat and leveling system add to the thrill.For instance, taking a cue from Shadow Hearts, you can equip various "Rings" on characters which will add various abilities to their attacks.The twist is that you have to trigger these additions by holding the right trigger and releasing it as a big circle perfectly shrinks to match a smaller circle.This little homage to Shadow Hearts should be expected since Feel Plus, a studio working with Mistwalker on this title, is comprised of some ex-Sacnoth employees who had created the Shadow Hearts series.

The leveling system is also pretty interesting as you have Immortals who don't learn skills when they level and Mortals who do.Consequently, you can "skill link" an Immortal to a specific Mortal Skill and learn it eventually.This creates an interesting dynamic where you want to have Mortals and Immortals in your party to gain their knowledge and also to have them level up.The one complaint I have is that members not in your party don't automatically gain experience.And due to the fact that you'll want your mortals to level so you can learn more skills, you'll constantly be flipping your formation around (you can have five members in your party at a time).

From a sound perspective, Lost Odyssey surprised me.The score from Final Fantasy mainstay Nobuo Uematsu is familiar and different, bringing to mind some of his excellent compositions from Final Fantasy.Meanwhile, this is one of the few JRPGs to offer a Japanese vocal track if you'd like to listen to that...and it's one of the only games where I don't want it.The English vocal staff is excellent for the most part.I really, really like it and the dialogue is (mostly) written well.

So there's obviously a big elephant in the room.Lost Odyssey is very reminiscient of Final Fantasy which is to be expected since you have Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of the entire Final Fantasy series, and his cohort in musical crime onboard.Then you add in the fact that Feel Plus is made of ex-Sacnoth employees who were, in turn, former Square employees...and you have the recipe for a game that's pretty close to Square's long-winded series.

Along with the aforementioned party-swapping to level, a few other complaints bring the score down.For one, there's a lot of load times.And load times during cut scenes which is a huge no-no in my book.The frame rate does take a few dips every so often and while it's not a deal-breaker, it is noticeable.And the beautiful graphics are often marred with aliasing issues, resulting in what's called "jaggies."Combat also takes awhile to load into, as the game shows you various images, then the main characters are introduced before finally showing the enemies and the battle starts.All of this is to hide the load times, I'm sure, but it slows combat down a lot.

Ultimately, though, the complaints are minor nuisances in what is a great addition to the JRPG line.It's fun, mature, dark and sad, sometimes all at once.Unfortunately, Lost Odyssey seems to be taking a beating in the mainstream gaming press who have said it's "soooo old fashioned," a claim that probably wouldn't be made if you switch the words "Lost" and "Odyssey" with "Final" and "Fantasy" with some roman numeral...maybe with a dash and a number.

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Lost Odyssey X360

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GripShift Review

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Most of the reviews I have read about this game have been dead wrong.THey grade the game as a poor racer.Though I would take issue with that, this game is hardly a racer.It is much closer to a brilliant monkeyball game with a twist.Monkey ball is way fun, but monkeyball as a car on insane tracks is incredible.THis game is a complete rip off of the pc game track mania, which is a wonderful game.THis game is packed with insanely addictive levels in which you have 20-30 seconds to complete the level with an almost instant restart if you mess up.This format is perfect for the portable system.In addiction to the crazy tacks you must complete in short times, you also have tons of fun mini-games to complete.Finally, if you are looking for a competent racer to compete with, look no further than yourself.Whenever you complete a track, the game saves your run a sa ghost rider.From then on you race against your ghost.If he is ahead, you know you will not unlock the next track.Bottom Line: BUY THIS GAME NOW.You will keep it forever with it's infinite gameplay and track editor options - not to mention all the tracks you can download from the net once you have beat the original ones.

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Product Description:
GripShift is a PSP game that combines high-flying stunt driving and unique puzzle-solving action in an all-out, pedal-to-the-metal racing experience. Play as one of six unique characters in a customizable vehicles preforming stunts through twisting levels while collecting power-ups, avoiding traps, beating the clock and challenging friends. Featuring more than 100 levels of puzzle-like challenges in fun, vibrant environments, and additional bonus games, players can race solo or with up to three other players via the PSP system's built-in wireless feature. GripShift is a stunt racing game with puzzle challenges and more than 100 levels. Also featuring enhanced aerial physics with an intuitive control system, players will perform awesome aerial jumps for massive hang time in puzzle-like driving challenges with multiple routes, short-cuts, loops, jumps and power ups. Compete in single player race mode against the CPU, or enjoy multiplayer action with your friends in head-to-head wireless multiplayer. Create and design custom levels to share with your friends or play in one of eight bonus games for outrageous fun. It's an original break-thru combination of stunt driving, platform action and puzzle solving, designed exclusively for the PSP system.Wireless Multiplayer Gameplay -Multiplayer action for up to 4 players through the PSP system's wireless feature Customizable Levels -Create custom levels with the in-game Track Editor and share them wirelessly Six Playable Characters -Play as one of 6 playable characters and customize vehicles for a unique look

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James Bond 007 Agent Under Fire Review

James Bond 007 Agent Under Fire
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In 1997, Rare breathed new life into the genre of first-person shooter games by releasing Goldeneye.To this day, some gamers feel that Goldeneye was the best game on the Nintendo 64.
Soon after, EA bought the rights to the James Bond franchise and released the lackluster Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough, and 007 Racing for the Playstation.After three flops, gamers wondered why Rare lost the Bond license in the first place.
Fortunately, EA pulled its act together for James Bond's first outing on the Playstation 2.Entitled "007: Agent Under Fire," this is an original game that finally gives Goldeneye a run for its money.EA created an original story for the new game, and they've succeeded on that front.Agent Under Fire has everything that a 007 game should have: Bond girls, Q gadgets, heavily armed cars, and over-the-top villains.
Seasoned gamers will first notice that the controls for 007: AUF are the same as those in Medal of Honor.Seeing as how Medal of Honor was one of the best first-person shooters on the original Playstation, that can't be bad.But 007: AUF can't be classified as a simple FPS.Several of the missions have the player driving Bond's Aston Martin, firing at enemy vehicles.In other missions, the computer controls the driving while the player fires the weapons at oncoming enemies.These missions are very exciting, and they're a fresh playing experience that adds interest to what would have been a straight FPS.
EA has done an excellent job recreating the feel of the James Bond films.The graphics are very realistic.You will look twice at the digital Bond to make sure that it's not the real Pierce Brosnan.Players are rewarded for discovering secrets and using the Q gadgets creatively.And 007: AUF captures Bond's personality perfectly in the cut scenes that tell the game's story.The player is just a dry martini away from becoming Bond.
One of the things that made Goldeneye great was the multiplayer mode.007: AUF repeats this tradition.The multiplayer levels are alright, and there's plenty of variety in the multiplayer missions.Some force the players to diffuse bombs, others are variations on the game of Capture the Flag.But Goldeneye still has the better multiplayer mode, thanks to its use of classic Bond villains.The characters EA created for 007: AUF just aren't as exciting as Jaws and Oddjob.
007: Agent Under Fire is a good first outing for Bond on the Playstation 2.The game offers a lot of variety and plenty of plot, which are rare in most first-person shooters.People who have played their share of first-person shooters will find enough depth in the game to come back for more, while casual gamers will be blown away by the entire experience.This game lacks the innovation of Goldeneye, but it's still not to be missed.

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Product Description:
In 007: Agent Under Fire, the player must defeat the evil criminal mastermind Malprave, head of a rising terrorist organization that is bent on ruling the world with an army of clones. Helping players along the way in Agent Under Fire is the gorgeous Zoe Nightshade and a cast of familiar characters. Each of the more than 10 exotic locations around the world contains a generous offering of challenging, well-balanced missions and objectives.
Agent Under Fire lets players accomplish mission objectives by blasting through with high-tech weaponry, or by relying on state-of-the-art gadgets and nerve-tingling stealth. The driving levels will feature an array of 007-inspired exotic cars and automotive combat from the Bond movies. Other key features include the all-new story line that builds on the Bond legacy with villains and allies, both new and familiar; three well-balanced gameplay experiences for the single player (action, stealth, and driving); a full arsenal of Q-lab weapons, gadgets, and autos; and fluid action inspired by the 007 films.
There are also enormous, detailed 3-D environments to be experienced through the eyes of Bond. Agent Under Fire will utilize next-generation console technology to help bring life to the full environmental physics and environments, including a massive deep-sea oil rig set atop a secret underwater base. The game includes single-player and multiplayer modes (with support for up to four players).

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Cabela's Deer Hunt 2005 Season Review

Cabela's Deer Hunt 2005 Season
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This is a great game.Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2004, 2005, 2006, and Cabela's Dangerous Hunts are also very good.This game is a good one to choose for experienced hunters.The Big Game Hunter series is good for average hunters.Dangerous Hunts is for beginning hunters.
The scenery is one of the best things about these games.

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Cabela's Deer Hunt 2005 Season will have your heart pounding and your palms sweating with intense, hunting action! Advanced animal AI and habits combine with incredible true-to-life graphics for the next evolution of deer hunting games.

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Mega Man X Collection Review

Mega Man X Collection
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It is true that the X games are well-made, but I would say differently of the collection itself.There are numerous text glitches (missing and misspelled words), and several of the unlockable "extras" are things already present in the games.Also, in two of the games, not all the PS2's buttons can be assigned, making standardized play impossible.A major problem, though, is the muffled sound; somehow, the music was programmed in very quiet.If you're looking for an awesome compilation format with plenty of bells and whistles (like the Sonic Mega Collection and its "Plus" addition), look elsewhere.If you don't care about any extra stuff, then go ahead and get it.

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The Mega Man X Collection brings together six incredible adventures with Mega Man X and Zero! Join them as they relive their amazing first adventures, plus one you may never have seen before: The Blue Bomber's action-packed racing game, Mega Man Battle & Chase, never before released in America! Enjoy a total of seven Mega Man games with remixed soundtracks original and sketch art, plus many other cool features!

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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction Review

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction
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It's finally here, a new Splinter Cell, or is it?This new game has some of the same names and faces, and even design choices of previous games, but seems to not fit the old style as much as it used to, but that's okay in many ways. While this new Splinter Cell is not quite like others, it's still good.As for the game itself, it is amazing, the gameplay is rich and fun, story interesting yet not overdone.

Needless to say, while the game by itself is amazing, it doesn't feel exactly like Splinter Cell, but in many ways that's okay, while this game could have been a remake of the Bourne game, it still plays well and is fun, and if you ever like stealth action at all, this is a must pick up for anyone.

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Product Description:
TomClancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction is the fifth installment in the wildlypopular Splinter Cell series. A stealth-action combat game centeredaround the continuing adventures of black ops agent Sam Fisher, SplinterCell: Conviction picks up where the storyline of the earlier SplinterCell: Double Agent left off. Packed with a mix of an engaging storytelling,classic Splinter Cell stealth-action, unique co-op gameplay and newgameplay mechanisms for use in both single player and multiplayermodes, it is a worthy addition Splinter Cell catalog of games. This unique Collector's Edition, exclusive to the Xbox 360 platform, includes the game, manual and a wealth of bonus items. See the complete list of these items below.

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker Review

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
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Dragon Quest Monsters initially began as Enix's answer to Pokemon. However, since it's beginnings on the Gameboy, it has grown into so much more than just a Pokemon clone. Dragon Quest Monsters Joker has its own spin on the "gotta catch'em all" philosophy. First of all, rather than using "pokeballs", you must impress Monsters using your Scout abilities to get them to join you. The higher rank the monster is, the more powerful your team must be to impress it. Second, your team consists of 3 primary monsters and 3 backup monsters. During battle, you are allowed to have out 3 monsters, but you cannot switch to your backups during battle, making for some difficult fights. Monsters level up in the style of Dragon Quest 8, where you gain skill points in addition to stat boosts that you can allocate as you see fit to the monster's skills. Monsters can use spells and abilities just like in the regular Dragon Quest games. Third, rather than breeding monsters, monsters are synthesized to create new breeds of monsters.

The main difference between this game and the regular Dragon Quest series is that rather than have random monster encounters, you can actually see the monsters on the field. This is great because you don't have to go through the guesswork of having to encounter the monster you want as you do in Pokemon. You can just walk around until you see it, then run up to it! Personally I like being able to see the monsters before I fight them so I don't have to waste time looking for certain ones. Also, the monsters respawn at a fairly rapid rate, so you don't have to worry about running out of monsters to fight when leveling up. An interesting part of this is that as you explore, you may notice certain strange objects in the area. These are actually indicators of rare monsters that may show up in that area. For instance on an early level, you walk by a campfire and some giant stones that look like dumb-bells. If you come back, you might encounter a Gigantes in that area!

As if that were not enough, Dragon Quest Monsters Joker also has an online battle portion where you pit your team against other teams on a regional, national or global scale to find out who's the best. Unlike other games where your only reward is bragging rights, this game has in game rankings and you earn items and monsters for each victory!

Dragon Quest Monsters offers solid gameplay on par with the main Dragon Quest series. With over 200 monsters to choose from, excellent online play and a great storyline, this is one game that is not to be missed!

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Product Description:
Enter the world of Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker as the young hero locked in a prison by your own father the leader of a mysterious organization known as CELL. Released under orders to enter the Monster Scout Challenge you will embark on a journey starting with a single monster and a scout ring unaware of the dark and mysterious intentions that surround the competition.Joker is the first game in the series to have online play via Nintendo Wi-Fi. The battle system is similar to previous Dragon Quest Monsters games. The player has three monsters in a party which can be given direct orders or set to one of 4 AI settings. A player's main character does not directly participate in battles with the exception of using items when directed as such. The sole method of encountering enemies is to run into them on the overworld.Features:The "big three" comprised of creator Yuji Horii manga artist Akira Toriyama and composer Koichi Sugiyama team up to create this gaming experienceCreate new species as you synthesize customized monsters from a selection of more than 200 different creaturesChallenge your friends via local wireless play to see whose team is the strongestNintendo Wi-Fi Connection component allows players to upload and download monster team data for battle on their Nintendo DS systemsFormat: NINTENDO DS Genre:ACTION/ADVENTURE UPC:662248907123

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Kirby Squeak Squad Review

Kirby Squeak Squad
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Kirby Squeak Squad DS lets you take the deliciously fun shape-shifting pink guy on a platforming trek, storing and mixing up skill sets.

I adore Kirby games, and Squeak Squad DS is no exception. You're jumping down holes, climbing up ladders, and navigating mazes of course. But the main task of Kirby-land is to figure out what items are available to eat - and then to combine together multiple items to come up with cool new techniques.

The activation sequence is a bit tricky - you have to spin your finger around the four directions of the D pad to turn things on - but it's well worth it. The cool combinations you can come up with are great fun!

You're allowed to store items in "bubbles" in Kirby's stomach, which is what the bottom half of your DS screen is dedicated to. This lets you choose what item to use in a certain situation, or to combine them together if you wish.

Even more fun, as you go you unlock color options for Kirby himself. Interested in a blue kirby, or a citrus-colored Kirby? You can do it! Of course, many traditionalists will insist that Kirby only comes in one color, that is Pepto-Bismol Pink.

The game is well done, in that it's both simple enough for younger players and entertaining enough for older players as well. It's relatively short, so that you can use it to pass the time while waiting in line at the supermarket or taking a bus ride without worrying about memorizing arcane combinations of keys or memorizing a rule book of negotiation tactics.You have just as much fun replaying it, aiming to unlock every chest you find and to get through as quickly as possible.

I admit that I still adore the days of The Crystal Shards and hope that these styles of games will come out on the Wii in the future. But for travel playing, Kirby Squeak Squad definitely fits the bill as fun, easy to learn, engaging and short enough to fit in the spaces you have available in your schedule.

Well recommended!

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Product Description:
Kirby's back and ready for a bellyful of adventure, in Kirby Squeek Squad. When someone steals some strawberry shortcake, the pink powerhouse sets out after them, learning new skills. All the classic floating, jumping and battling of a classic Kirby game are here, but with a massive boost. You'll mix and match abilities that Kirby copies, by using the stylus to drag them together inside Kirby's belly (located on the touch screen). The powers themselves now have the ability to affect the environment, as well as foes. Burn trees and grasses with the Fire ability, freeze water with the Ice ability. In sub-game mode, this game also features multiplayer fun for up to four players, using either Multi-Card or DS Download Play over DS Local Area Network.

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Battlefield 1942 Expansion: The Road to Rome Review

Battlefield 1942 Expansion: The Road to Rome
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BF:1942 Road to Rome (RTR) is a satisfying, well-priced upgrade to an already top notch multiplayer first person shooter.
Don't be put off by the seemingly few additions to the game. The 5+ maps, additional weapons, and new vehicles add TONS of new strategies, tactics, and of course replay value. You're not just getting re-skinned variants of BF:1942 tanks, planes, and fortifications - you're getting a whole new battleground experience that significantly alters the way you approach each objective.
BF:1942 has never been a strong single player game, and this expansion is no exception. Like the original, if you don't enjoy online gaming, this is not something you should buy. There has been some single player "bot" improvement in this expansion, but the game's forte is multiplayer. Gamespy Arcade is included but I would recommend to ignore it and immediately download All Seeing Eye for your BF1942 game matching. DSL and Cable modem users should stick to games with less than 40 players, regardless of Ping, or risk choppy gameplay.
This expansion (especially the vehicles) focuses much more strongly on teamwork. Many of the new vehicles are only effective when you have multiple people inside, each manning a position. When on a public server, finally you have a chance of NOT being ignored when you "Request a Pickup". Friendly aircraft camping is still too common, and some vehicles, such as the stationary artillery cannon, look great but have very limited use in most battlefield situations.
The maps so far are a mixed bag. All are interesting and have multiple and creative ways to conquer flags. I have noticed that most game outcomes lean heavily on the team that somehow grabs the most flags in the first couple of minutes of gametime. It's far too easy to grab a few key flags, overwhelm the opposing team, and then spawn camp until the rest of the enemy tickets count down.
At least half of every new game I've joined has resulted in this overwhelming inbalance - very different from the original BF1942 maps. The number of vehicles available in each map compounds this problem, and it's not uncommon to find a talented and patient enemy team constantly bombarding your only spawn point with two artillery guns, four tanks, and three bombers. It grows very tiresome to wait out a 20+ second respawn on a public server just to be immediately destroyed by campers - who you really can't blame too much, because they currently have no other flags to claim or objectives to meet. Additionally, many flags have a *very* small capture radius, and it sometimes seems like you need to practically wrap your legs around a flag pole for 20+ seconds in order to capture it.
RTR's aircraft have been significantly enhanced, while flak and normal hand-held gun damage to planes has been reduced. Most of RTR's aircraft seem to take as much damage as a BF:1942 B-17 bomber, thus making an adept pilot a ridiculously overpowered force. Enemy planes now do more damage to other planes, increasing the need for dogfighting.
However, a very common tactic is to continually bomb and strafe an enemy airfield, reducing a losing team's effort to launch interceptors to defend against the bombers. AA guns are also relatively scarce in the expanion maps.Unlike the original game, aircraft are truly a force to be feared. This may sound more realistic, but in the balanced, arcade-style gameplay of BF:1942 it doesn't work well. On most of the new maps, an above average pilot can just devastate the opposing team. Hopefully this inbalance will be addressed in an upcoming patch.
Many users have reported sound problems (Audigy cards especially) wth this expansion, and many sounds (and some graphics) have been replaced. Personally, I like the new sounds, but many others in multiplayer do not, and expect to hear them complain. Graphics remain fantastic, and although RtR does not play as smooth (or load as fast) as the recent, 1.3 BF:1942 patch, chances are it will soon.
Despite the above listed gameplay issues, you can't go wrong. It's a great priced, solid expansion to a wonderful multiplayer game.

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Product Description:
Battlefield 1942 is an exciting new expansion pack thatbrings you the experiences of a lifetime -- you'll enter the most crucial battles of the Second World War, and give your all to claim it as a victory!You can even take charge of a submarine or battleship for intense sea battlesEnter a global conflict and decide the future of the world in this amazing adventure!

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WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain Review

WWE SmackDown Here Comes the Pain
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WWE Smackdown hctp is the best if you dont believe me then read this review cause itll tell you all about this game.The season mode itself is only 1 year LONG. It all depends on who you select and what paths you take to determine what storylines you'll get.
-Number of Players: 6
-Number of Wrestlers on screen: 6
-Genre: Wrestling
-Developer: Yukes
-Publisher: THQ
- Total of 70 Between Active Roster, Legends, Season Mode Only and Non-Playable.
-(56 Active superstars, 11 Legends, 2 Season Mode only and 3 Non-Playable)
-Active Roster
1. A-Train
2. Batista
3. Big Show, The
4. Booker T
5. Brock Lesnar
6. Bubba Ray Dudley
7. Charlie Haas
8. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
9. Chris Benoit
10. Chris Jericho
11. Christian
12. D-Von Dudley
13. Eddie Guerrero
14. Edge
15. Eric Bischoff
16. Goldberg
17. Goldust
18. Hurricane, The
19. Jazz
20. John Cena
21. Kane
22. Kevin Nash
23. Kurt Angle
24. Lance Storm
25. Lita
26. Matt Hardy
27. Randy Orton
28. Rey Mysterio Jr.
29. Rhyno
30. Ric Flair
31. Rico
32. Rikishi
33. Rob Van Dam
34. Rock, The
35. Rodney Mack
36. Sable
37. Scott Steiner
38. Sean O'Haire
39. Shawn Michaels
40. Shelton Benjamin
41. Stacy Kiebler
42. Stephanie McMahon
43. Steven Richards
44. Stone Cold Steve Austin
45. Tajiri
46. Test
47. Torrie Wilson
48. Triple H
49. Trish Stratus
50. Ultimo Dragon
51. Undertaker, The
52. Val Venis
53. Victoria
54. Vince McMahon
55. Animal
56. George 'The Animal' Steel
57. Hawk
58. Hillbilly Jim
59. Iron Sheik, The
60. Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka
61. Nikolai Volkoff
62. 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper
63. Sgt. Slaughter
64. Ted 'Million Dollar Man' Dibiasse
65. Undertaker, Old School
-Season Mode Only
66. Jim Ross
67. Jerry Lawler
68. Mike Keota
69. Earl Hebner
70. Jonathan Coachman
- Chair
- Dumbbells
- Forklift
- Ladder
- Metal drums
- Motor Bike
- Parked Cars
- Shopping Trolley
- Sledge Hammer
- Tables
- Title Belt
- Trash Can
- Trash Can Lid
-Season lasts for 1 year however, apparently it contains 10 years of scripts in it- therefore feuds and stories will always change, so going through a season with the same wrestler will not be the same as the season before it
- You can get a manager
- You earn SmackDown! Dollars to buy things at ShopZone(UNLOCK)
-CUSTOMIZE SEASON MODE-* You can use either a Created Superstar or an all ready established superstar.
1- At the beginning of Season mode, you create stables for wrestlers.
2- It's also possible to change the Raw and SmackDown rosters
3- You then determine which wrestlers are faces (good) and which are heels (bad).
1- World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H
2- World Tag Team Champions: D-Von & Bubba Ray
3- Hardcore Champion: Rob Van Dam
4- Interconinental Champion: Christian
5- Women's Champion: Jazz
6- WWE Champion: Kurt Angle
7- WWE Tag Team Champions: Haas & Benjamin
8- Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio Jr.
9- United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero
- Legends (Only some)
- Environments
- Attributes to build up your character
- New Costumes
- 'Main Event' matches have to be unlocked because they are all hidden except for [UNDERWEAR], Elimination, Elimination Chamber, First Blood, Iron Man, Ladder, Submission, Table, TLC.
- ALL character builds for The Rock are heel ones and include a close-shaven head and new tattoo
-- Older wrestlers and bigger wrestlers like Ric Flair, Big Show, Nash etc. move a bit slower than "normal" wrestlers
-- Weight detection feature means no more STACY KEIBLER body slamming BIG SHOW
-- Damage taken in ambushes, regular matches, or hardcore bouts affect your health and stamina in later matches
-- Smackdown will keep track of every wrestler's Win/Loss/Draw record, AND WHO YOU FOUGHT WITH AND HOW MUCH TIME YOU WON A BELT TITLE

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Product Description:
Season Mode featuring comprehensive statistics and Superstar attribute building. Ledgends like Sgt. Slaughter, The Million-Dollar Man, Jimmy Snuka, and more. Enhanced Grappling system. New match types including Bra-&-Panty and the Elimination chamber.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Review

Call of Duty: Black Ops
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I know that lots of people loved MW2 but lots didnt also. modern warfare 1 and cod world at war were awesome games but MW 2 felt lacking to me although I did really enjoy the game. This game just blew me away. Its not modern warfare and its not world war 2 its like a mix to me.

The graphics are awesome despite what other people have posted. They are very crisp and clean if running on high definition. ( I dont know how it looks on standard ) They are not like Modern warfare 2 graphics they have a different and welcome feel to them. Why does some people feel that everything should look like Modern warfare 2? If people were honest with everyone in these reviews instead of just wanting to bash Treyarch they would tell you that the graphics are different than Modern Warfare 2 but still stunning. Modern warfare 2 has great graphics but they just arnt as crisp and clean as black opps. If there is anyone reading this review that hasnt played the call of duty series there are 2 game developers that make this series. One is Treyarch and the other is infinity ward. Treyarch is the one that made this game. You will see in other reviews that some people seem to like the games made by infinity Ward better than the ones made by Treyarch . Both Infinity ward and Treyarch make some of the best games you can play. Both have awesome graphics but they are different from one another in this respect. Each developer has their own style of graphics. In the case of black opps, I really do think these are the best graphics so far in the call of duty series.

Im not going into depth with this but just wanted to say that of all the call of duty games I thought this was the best campaighn I have ever played in the call of duty series. I have loved them all from the very first one to the present black opps but this is hands down the best campaighn.

Ahhh where do I start. Black Opps has a credit system now that allows you to buy guns, load outs, perks , cammo , create personal themes for your weapons , bet your credits aginst other players in wager matches and more. Now instead of waiting until you get enough kills to unlock specific items like the red dot , ACOG scope ,etc. you can buy whatever attatchment you want for your weapons without having to wait for them to be unlocked like on all the previous call of duty games. Perks are the same way. there are some perks that I know I will never use so now I can just buy the ones I want and save my credits for other things I might want. You do still have to wait until you unlock the weapons while gaining rank but once they are unlocked you can get any attatchment you want for them as long as you have enough credits. I recomend saving your credits until you find the weapon you love. My personal fav. is the AK74U. I keep this weapon equipped with a circular blue dot and a silencer. Yes I said a blue dot. you can now change the shape and color of your retical instead of the same old red dot. You can get just about any color you want but this one works best for me , and the circle instead of the dot also seems to work better for me. You can also change the colors and patterns on your weapon to make it your own.

Game play in multiplayer is still the best as you would expect in the call of duty series. the weapons are balanced with a large inventory of weapons. there really is no one particular weapon that seems overpowered in this game like the M16 in the modern warfare games and the MP40 in world at war . Some guns are stronger than others but dont seem to be rediculously over powered. It really puts everyone on a level playing field. The maps that are offered are incredible with lots of detail. you will play in the jungle to the city. Large maps and small. This gives you a good variety to start off with until a new map pack is released and If you have ever played treyarch games like COD World at War you will know that they take care of their players and lots of new map packs will be comming soon. Treyarch also has a great history of fixing glitches and problems with their games keeping the cheating and glitching down. If they find one you can be shure a patch is on the way to fix it.

Yes just like in world at war they have included a zombie mode in this game. Some people say that this shouldnt be included in a call of duty game but the fact is , if you dont want to play it you dont have to. It is just an added bounus. this mode has a huge fan base. some people bought this game just for the zombie mode. It is kind of like hord mode in gears of war. You will face wave after wave of Zombies. The waves start off slow and increasingly get larger and faster. you get credits for killing zombies and boarding up the windows and doors they tear down trying to get into what ever position you are trying to defend. You then take the credits to purchase more powerful weapons hanging on the walls of the map you are playing. There is also something like a treasure box where you get different weapons at random some awsomely strong others not so much, it is just luck of the draw. You can also buy perks like juggernaut , slight of hand and many others. You will really need the juggernaut perk if you want to last a long time. All it takes to put you down is two hits from a zombie. Also if you do go down other players can revive you , but time is limited , if they dont get to you in time you will die and have to wait until the next round if your other players survive to the next round. you can play by yourself or with friends of up to four players per game. The matches can be private matches or on xbox live matchmaking and play with random people. This really is an addictive mode that I have countless hours in in World at war. If you like zombie games like Left 4 dead this is for you. I have played both left for dead games and this is in my humble opinion a much better zombie game. Remember this game has nothing to do with the campaighn or regular multiplayer it is just an added bounus and takes nothing away from the regular game. If you dont like Zombie games dont play this mode , if you do I highly recomend it as it is extreeeeemly addictive.

This is an awsome game . Fresh new graphics , awesome campaighn and multiplayer , and the great and addictive Zombie mode. there are people that put this game down because they are just fans of the modern warfare series and really dont want to play anything else. So they bash this game for not being their vision of what they want it to be. This is an unbiased review because I love all of the call of duty games from world war to modern warfare and now to the cold war. This game will provide you with countless hours of enjoyment. Do yourself a favor and buy this game. Yes buy it because you just cant go wrong here. Another amazing installment into the awesome CALL OF DUTY series.

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Product Description:
On November 9, 2010, the newest installment in the biggest action series of all-time and follow-up to last year's Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2, Call of Duty®: Black Ops, will insert players behind enemy lines during the most dangerous time period mankind has ever known. Filled with heart-racing action, Call of Duty: Black Ops puts players in the boots of elite special forces units engaged in covert warfare, deniable operations, and explosive conflicts around the globe. The Call of Duty: Black Ops Hardened Edition includes:
  • Limited edition Black Ops Collector's Medal w/display case
  • 4 extra playable co-op maps not in the standard edition
  • Exclusive Black Ops Xbox® Live® avatar outfit
  • Premium, special-edition SteelBook™ case
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops full game
Quantities limited; only available while supplies last.

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Ultimate Beach Soccer Review

Ultimate Beach Soccer
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This is good game and idea, but that's mostly i think of it.
Graphics: 3/5Why: I think the players were well modeled, the frames were bad, lots of glitches, in most shots players wouldn't even get near ball, this is not the game for gamers who like games with state of art graphics.
Music: 4/5Why:Good music, but low variety.
Replay; 3/5 Why: This is the game you would play or beat in 1 day, playing seasons in multiplayer is great, but not if you playing alone you will probably put it in a shelf, and if some friends go to your house, they will like want to play multiplayer, that's it.Poor story mode aswell.
Between other is the reason like i could make a goal in just a corner like 98% of the time, no matter how good the team is.
I think the makers could've done a little more on graphics and this would be a best seller, aswell on replay value.
Recomend for: This is not a game for a diehard fan of soccer, it would just make you wish to throw your xbox away when it's the games fault.
This is a rental, buy it if you ddon't care how bad the glitches are.
Also don't get me wrong it ain't that bad and has good ideas, but the tricks ain't in variety aswell.

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Product Description:
Ultimate Beach Soccer is the first soccer game designed to appeal to beach sport fans!

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Scooby-Doo: Mystery Mayhem Review

Scooby-Doo:  Mystery Mayhem
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After reading the review that this game recieved I have to admit I was a bit taken back about purchasing it.I have a 5 year old Son who absolutely loved the first game (Night of 100 Frights So I thought I might take a chance and purchase the follow-up for Him for His birthday.I have to tell you I honestly think I like this one better than the first one!!! The Game is set up to be 5 different episodes that intertwine and eventually come together at the end to reveal the answer to the on-going mystery ( but isn't that what Mystery Inc was all about anyway?). The graphics in my opinion are just as good as the first game and the story lines are much better put together.The fact that you can play as Shaggy or Scooby and switch back and forth at any given time is a great bonus!!!In this game you are more set on looking for clues to solve a on going mystery ( much like the actual cartoon itself) unlike the first game where it had more of a Mario Bros type feeling to it (jumping constantly and bouncing on the bad guys heads!)The five or six bonus mini games are definately challeging and the villians are great!I enjoyed the first game for the simple reason that you got to see alot of Scooby's old Foes, but the game had alot of frustrating points to it.This one is not as hard but has it's moments of challenge.Honestly the only draw-back I can see from completing this game is there is no Don Knotts present, but then again there is also no Don Adams or Jonathan Winters either(Thank Goodness!)For those of you out there who are die-hard Scooby fans or your Kids are, this is in My opinion a great game for you both to enjoy!! Give this one a chance and you decide how YOU feel about it. I personally think you won't be dissapointed!

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Product Description:
Scooby-Doo: Mystery Mayhem - It's all-new adventures with your favorite ghost-hunters! A scheming businessman turns to the occult for making his business grow. Opening the legendary Tome Of Doom, he unleashes nasty monsters! Help Scooby and his friends put a stop to this!

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Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce Review

Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
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Having been a loyal fan of Dynasty Warriors all the way from #2 to the cesspool of crap that was DW6, the endless repetition has been gnawing on me for awhile and I decided to quit buying titles after 6. Then I heard of Strikeforce, which truly sounded like it brought something new to the series, and thank god, it actually does. I'm going to assume most people checking out this title have played a DW game before, so I'm going to focus on the improvements/differences of this particular version rather than give you a ground-up review.

Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce will be very familiar to seasoned DW players in terms of the combat, but Koei finally added some neat twists to spice things up. For one, you can fly (after acquiring a certain ability) and execute cool combos and carry on extended battles in the air, which is really cool. There is now also a dash move which allows you to quickly charge up to enemies to begin attacking or dodge enemy strikes, and a new targeting system that lets you lock onto enemies and see how effective your currently equipped weapon is against the enemy you are targeting (you are allowed to choose two different weapons to equip from a very impressive list) and these weapons can be changed instantly in combat by pressing a button. You can also carry an inventory of various items such as life-giving meatbuns to use whenever necessary instead of having to run around hunting for them on the battlefield.

Most exciting for me is the coop. Strikeforce supports up to 4 players via wireless Ad Hoc (or local) networking. With your buddies, you begin in a city with merchants and blacksmiths and the like from which you can forge various weapons/items or buy upgrades to your abilities. Then you can go to a message board in the city to accept various quests, both optional and the main "battlefield" quests to earn money and items. If you're playing with friends, you can play special VS quests which pit you against your friends in really exciting arenas.

The last thing of mention in DW Strikeforce is the boss battles. If you've been looking at screenshots, you've probably seen the big fire-breathing tiger that serves as the boss of the Hu Lao Gate battle (along with Lu Bu, who rides atop his head). The Hu Lao Gate battle, for instance, allows you to scale the boss and fight Lu Bu atop it's back or high up in arial combat, which is really intense.

Overall, I was very pleased with Strikeforce for all of it's new additions, and the game is particurarly fun in coop. If you've got buddies with PSPs I would highly recommend you convince them to buy this and begin a coop game.

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Product Description:
Step out of the ordinary and into an extraordinary portable Dynasty Warriors experience different from any other with Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce. Unlike previous Dynasty Warriors games, in Strikeforce, exclusively for PlayStation Portable (PSP),players can draw swords with friends in multiplayer action. This means that not only will you quest to become one of history's greatest individual warriors, as in all Dynasty Warriors games, but you will also work together in teams of up to four as you put your combined skill and strength to the test as you conquer heavily armed fortresses, infiltrate enemy strongholds and more.

4-person multiplayer.
Unimaginable quests & beasts.
Customizable weapons & effects.
Stunning cinematic cutscenes.
Viewlarger. One Battle Becomes One Quest
Until now the quintessential Dynasty Warriors experience pitted a lone warrior against thousands of ruthless enemies. Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce will forever change the way gamers experience the Dynasty Warriors universe. In the game, players will enlist in quests that will challenge their very sense of what it means to be a true warrior. Each quest will take players to enormous, heavily-armed strongholds where enemy soldiers man batteries of massive and equally devastating weapons. Up to four players can join together and form a 'strikeforce' to conquer these heavily armed fortresses. Working as a team, players can plan a coordinated attack, confuse the enemy or lure unsuspecting soldiers into a trap. Uniting and fighting as a team are the keys to victory.

While immense fortresses, towers, and ships serve as the settings for these legendary quests, the supernatural abilities of the game's combatants will let players take the lighting fast action to where it has never gone before- the skies above. With enemies and allies streaking across the sky, new 'air fighting' techniques to master, and colossal challenges to conquer, the game's action will deliver a Dynasty Warriors experience unlike any other.

Key Game Features:

    Accept quests to conquer massive fortifications or slay massive unimaginable creatures.
    Gather with friends and fight together as a single overwhelming force to complete mission objectives.
    Fight in the air and on the ground. Enemies will make clever use of the terrain and space, and attack from nearly every direction.
    Incredible customization allows you to create and modify weapons using supplies gathered during battle. You can also customize the look of your character with the game's "Mugen" effects.
    Three powerful stories based on each of the 'Three Kingdoms.'
    Download and share content with other players.
    Features both enhanced single player adventures along with multiplayer missions.
    Developed by KOEI's award-winning team, Omega Force.
The Awakening Gauge
The Awakening gauge replaces the Musou gauge. When the player attacks or is hit, the Awakening gauge will fill up. Once full, the player can summon an 'Awakening.' Unlike the Musou, the Awakening is not an attack, but rather it causes a dramatic improvement to the character's various abilities. The character's appearance will also change during this Awakened state.

Customization with "Mugen" and "Sengyoku" Items
Each character will be equipped with two weapons: a Main Weapon and a Sub-Weapon. Players will be able to power up their weapons using special items called 'Sengyoku.' Another group of special items called 'Mugen' will allow players to radically improve their fighting abilities and perform special actions including 'super jumps' and teleportation. Mugen and Sengyoku items are just another way the game will change the way players experience the Dynasty Warriors universe.

Downloadable Content
Using the PlayStation Portable system's wireless ad-hoc mode, friends can gather together not only to go on quests, but also to download and exchange new adventures and rare items.

Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce is produced by Keniichi Ogasawara. Ogasawara-san served as the director for the critically acclaimed Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War.

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Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness Review

Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness
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I actually had the opportunity to play this game months ago via a Japanese copy.Past Harvest Moon games revolved around the same premise: grow crops, raise animals, fish, mine, etc..This does too, but there are also noticeable differences.To start off with, most other games already have 90% or more of the people you interact with there.In Island of Happiness (IoH), you start off with about 4 other people.By certain dates and certain achievements more people arrive.

In the past, you used ores to strengthen your tools, now you have colorful spheres called 'wonderfuls' that modify your tools in some very nice ways (imagine adding orange wonderfuls to your milker and receiving and extra milk for each orange wonderful attached).You will get wonderfuls for winning competitions (which can't start until you build the East bridge.

You will also be extremely exhausted (and hungry) for the first season and until you can get enough people to move to the island to open up the diner and cafe (so don't over do working the crops).

In HM IoH, there are more things to spend your hard earned money on.And sheep, before took 1 week before you could shear them again, now take only 3 days.

On a down side, you cannot use the old cheat to change the weather.I've tried many times.

It is more challenging because of the limitations early on and very little chance of actually getting married in the first 2 years - but even your rivals don't seem too rushed to get married.

Things will improve after you get the West bridge build (the East bridge has to be build first - so you are looking around $80,000 total for the first two bridges), but the West bridge will give you access to the mine and help bring in enough people to open up the diner and cafe.

If you were easily bored by the second or third years of other Harvest Moons, this will give you more to do even well past the fourth or fifth years (I'm in Summer Year 4 of the Japanese version).

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Product Description:
You're shipwrecked! Luckily no one was hurt and most of the passengers set sail for their destinations, but you found an abandoned homestead on this remote island. With hard work and skillful farming, you will prosper and help your adventurous shipmates establish a new village with roads, bridges and exciting places to visit. There's a lot of farming to do, people to date and animals to care for, it's a new beginning and a chance to raise a farming family of your own!

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