
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Review

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
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Let's get a few things clear and out of the way:
- Symphony of the Night is one of my all-time favorite games, and since I've been playing videogames since the old Atari systems, that's saying alot.
-The jump to 3D play, and I mean GOOD 3D play, was just inevitable, so get used to it.All games are going this way.It's much easier to take advantage of the hardware in a 3D environment.
Now that that's said and done, let's get to the point.Lament of Innocence is, in my opinion, a well made and very fun game.It helps that the design team from Symphony worked on this game.The controls are easy to learn: 2 buttons to attack, 1 to jump, 1 for special weapons, and 1 to block.As long as you can get those buttons down, you can play for quite a while and not have to worry about the others.The new combo system is great, giving you the ability to chain together an entire series of very devastating attacks.If you can master the combo system, the sub weapons can be moved to a USE-ONLY-IF-NEEDED status.The addition of using the whip as a meathod of swinging off poles and rails was a nice touch.Also, the game requires ALOT of exploring and doubling-back to retreive items you couldn't get before.Also, if you think the voice-overs stink, then you can play the game in Japanese with English subtitles.
There are a few caveats, however.The only way to gain magic points is to block a special enemy attack.This can get extremely frustrating, especially if you're surrounded by enemies that are hacking at you, but not performing special attacks.Also, certain areas of the game become inaccessible after the boss is defeated, and you can go back to pick up something you may have missed, some of which can be very hard to find.Also, the real-time window is just plain bad.You could end up getting the snot beaten out of you just for trying to drink some health potion or equipping a different whip.
All the flaws aside, the game is magnificent and a very impressive transition to the 3D format.The storyline is decent, and I think it shows some guts to try to create a prequel to a very famous and recognized series of games.

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Product Description:
Castlevania: Lament Of Innocence brings the legendary series to its roots with classic gameplay and next-generation graphics -- plus a mesmerizing all-new story!

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