
G1 Jockey 3 - PS2 Review

G1 Jockey 3 - PS2
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Now I have not Played Gallop Racer 2003. But Let me tell you this is an AMAZING GAME right here! I have had so much fun playing it. I have played it for hours on end. Really good graphics, The controls are not too complex. There are just many things as a jockey that you can do to effect your mount. This is a game for people who love horse racing. You do interact with your mounts in the race, you can help suggest races for your regular rides if you are able to be good enough to have a trainer ask you to be a regular rider. It is very realistic. Easy is not too easy and hard...well that says enough! It's HARD! The game is not over after you become a Grade 1 Jockey. It will keep going year after year if you want it too! It is an amazing game! If you like Horse Racing you will LOVE this game. It is funny how some horses are named very closely to real ones. Cat Thief in the game is Catch Thief. lol There are alot more. Very funny really. See if you can catch some more! Lemon Drop Kid = Lemon Syrup Kid haha. They say none of them match but it sure seems like they are close. Even the silks are close. Silver Charm = Silver Calm, he has similar green and yellow striped silks! lol Any way GREAT GAME! I will definately get G1 Jockey 4!!

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