
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now Review

Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now
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This game is great if you like racing and blood and gore.In this game you can either use a controler,or the keyboard.There are 3 way of completing a level(each set is called a group)by killing all peds.,wasting all the cars,or going through all the check points(or lap)a certent amount of times.You have a lot of cars and when you get the right amount of credits you can the one you want,but only if you find it in the race your racing.You nave boxs and a type of barrel filled with either a power-up or something that happens to your car,peds.,or your oppenets.The red box has something to do with the people running around that you hit(be sure to get drunk peds. cause thats the funnest).The barrels have to do with your car.I don't know how many levels there are since I haven't completed it.You should try it.

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