
Bloody Roar Extreme Review

Bloody Roar Extreme
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Bloody Roar Extreme for the XBOX is an excellent game, and it barely misses the mark for a perfect score. You fight on outdoor and indoor arenas some of them look very nice; they have an aquarium, aircraft carrier, urban slums, dojo and more. What really sets Bloody Roar Apart from conventional fighters is that each character can transform into some type of beast! While in "beast" form you take less damage and inflict more upon your rival and you can also execute super combo attacks. The graphics are beautiful, but the animation lacks fluidity. The most visually striking is the "Elephant", I love how the screen shakes when he walks, punches with his hooves and grapples with his trunk; it's amazing to see. The"lion" and "wolf" will slash with their claws and bite with their fangs- its so cool!
The sound effects are good and you'll enjoy the beasts sounds of lion roar, phoenix scream, bat squeek, elephant letting a good trumpet blow. This game is a lot of fun, but kinda short.
+excellent controls
+excellent graphics
+multiplayer fun
+excellent gameplay
+good sound effects
+cool beasts modes
+cool arenas
+cool secrets
+instant replays
+fast loading game
+music can be turned off
-disgusting music
-lacks intensity
-needs more characters
-needs more arenas
-needs more game modes

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