
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams Review

Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams
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Most video games, especially those of the action/adventure genre, have you playing as some larger than life character.Some sort of secret-agent-ninja-commando-death-squad-special-forces-assassin type thing.Not Silent Hill 2.In this one, you are James Sunderland, an average person without special skills or training.
And you know what?It's a really welcome change from the norm, and it really helps the atmosphere of the game to not have that kind of action-movie nonsense infiltrating what it supposed to be a horror experience.
It begins with our protaganist inside a rest-stop on the outskirts of Silent Hill.He's contemplating the letter that he just received from Mary, his wife who he'd thought was dead for the past three years.He must venture into Silent Hill to get the answers behind that letter.
Not a bad opening storyline, and games like this rely most heavily upon story.Actually, calling this one a "game" is perhaps a bit of a misnomer--it feels more like an interactive experience.You *experience* Silent Hill 2 more than play it.
But, the gameplay aspect is there as well, in the form of monster battles and puzzles.One of the greatest things about this title is that it allows you to vary the difficulty of either of these aspects.You can set the puzzles from ultra-easy to ultra hard, and you can set the monster battles in the same way, or even set it so that you won't get attacked at all--just enjoy the atmosphere and storyline.You can really customize the game to your tastes this way.
The atmosphere is great.I like to play it at night, or on a gloomy winter day, with all of the lights off.Just make sure that nobody can sneak up on you, or you'll likely have a heart attack!Games like this are actually perhaps scarier than a horror movie or novel; the interactive aspect making immersion more of a factor.
This game actually isn't perfect.The interface is a bit clunky and, on normal setting, at least, the puzzles can be rather obscure.This can lead to puzzle-frustration, the Achille's heel of adventure games.You'll likely find yourself wandering around the same places over and over again, saying "what the hell?" when you have no idea what you're looking for or are supposed to do.But, when you finally do figure it out, it's a satisfying experience.Also, combat is pretty awkward, but, like I said, James Sunderland is just an average guy, so this makes some sense.
With these minor flaws, my real score is about a 4.5, so it gets five stars by default.
This game is available for both PS2 and Xbox.Either version is worth playing, but the Xbox version has slightly enhanced graphics and a side quest, which adds some game time and makes it the better version.
Silent Hill 2 is highly recommended to anyone age seventeen or older.

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Product Description:
With its Poe-like atmosphere, dense fog, pitch-black hallways, and a cryptic letter from a dead wife, Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams promises to surpass the paranoia created by its predecessor, Silent Hill. The sequel opens with James Sunderland, the series' average joe protagonist, reading a mysterious message that says, "Silent Hill, our sanctuary of memories. I'll be waiting for you there." More puzzling is that the note is signed by Mary, his deceased wife.
James sets out for Silent Hill hopeful that he'll find a trace of Mary. After an aborted attempt by car, James plunges into the dank fog and embarks on his quest by foot. Enter Angela, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Mary, and who also beckons him with another curious message. It seems James can't go back; strange things are happening in Silent Hill.
Silent Hill 2 offers 10 new formidable foes, plenty of puzzles, and bone-chilling gameplay. The sequel's new story and characters promise to thrill and terrify. The visual and sound effects are amazingly detailed and macabre, and, if you're playing on a system with surround sound, you may find yourself keeping the lights on.
Note: This product description refers to the PlayStation2 version.

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