
Mega Man Battle Network 2 Review

Mega Man Battle Network 2
Average Reviews:

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Don't pass off this game as a childish series, this is a great and original game.
The story is pretty good, and offers different new features from the original, like changing the type of megaman.
The battle system is differnt an unlike ALL RPGs. It has an isometric view and you chose your move(s) when the gauge fills up. This seems to make it similar to a card game, or strategy game because each move you pick needs to be well thought out, along with the cards in your folder.
It also features a two player battle mode and chip data trade.
Hardcore megaman fans may not like the fact that it is not a platformer (but Rockman* Zero is comming out this Augest), however fancises tire if they arn't changed, and capcom saw this so the created an alternate universe series. If these fans played this game more than 5 miniuts (most gammers will be turned off this game if they don't play it form the begining because it will be too confusing) they would enjoy capcom's little references to other games.
All in all, this game is excellent and very fun, well worth the purchase. It is a great alternate approch to one of the most famous mascots in the gaming industry. So, buy this game.
Graphics: 8.9
Gameplay: 10
Replay: 8.1
*Rockman is the japanese name of megaman

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Product Description:
The second title in the Mega Man cyber-role-playing-game series, MegaMan: Battle Network 2 puts an emphasis on puzzle-solving and turn-basedcombat. In the game, Mega Man is back and in mega trouble. There's a new Netcrime organization in town, and its computer hacking has created a computervirus that's quickly gaining momentum. It's up to Mega Man and his pal Lan tojoin the Net-battlers and win the new cyberstruggle by defeating viruses,battling bosses, and solving problems.
This new futuristic franchise features an advanced battle system that allowsgamers to change the look of Mega Man based on his or her playing style. MegaMan can use battle chips not only as weapons in battle, but also to replenishhis health, help escape a jam, or perform special attacks. Sophisticatedtournament-style battles and chip trading via the link cable add to the game'sreplay value by enticing players to experiment with different combinations ofbattle chips to find the ultimate one-two punch.

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